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DocuSign Envelope ID: EAE3745D -23C6- 4352- A3D7- 9903DCB5D084 <br />Exhibit 11111 <br />Contract for Services <br />For <br />Job Analysis Bid Proposal <br />Change County, NC. ( "Company ") understands that a job analysis must be completed in order to meet <br />requirements for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so that Select Physical Therapy Holdings, Inc. <br />and RehabClinics, Inc. for and on behalf of its subsidiaries and affiliates ( "Provider ") may perform post - <br />offer and post employment testing pursuant to WorkSTEPS employment testing protocols. While the ADA <br />does not require that a formal job analysis be conducted to determine the essential functions of a specific <br />job position, the ADA does require an employer to prove that any exclusionary criteria obtained from a <br />medical examination used to withdraw an offer of employment or terminate employment are "job related <br />and justified by business necessity." (EEOC ADA 'Technical Assistance Manual II at 19 and VI at 2). Thus, <br />the Provider must conduct a job analysis of the positions for which employment tests are performed to <br />ensure that the employment test is measuring the candidate's or employee's ability to perform essential job <br />functions. It is imperative that the Company provides accurate information to the Provider regarding the <br />essential job functions for specific job positions. The EEOC provides a discussion relating to the <br />identification of essential job functions in its Technical Assistance Manual. (EEOC ADA 'Technical <br />Assistance Manual Il at 13-22). The Company acknowledges that the Company is responsible for <br />familiarizing itself with this section of the ADA Technical Assistance Manual and providing the Provider <br />accurate information concerning essential job functions. <br />A separate job analysis must be performed for each position for which the Company desires to utilize <br />employment testing. The job analysis may include filming, weighing, and measuring tasks for the selected <br />major job positions for the Company. <br />The Company understands that the evaluation usually takes between one (1) and six (6) hours to complete <br />for each position and is billed at $150 per hour. The Company hereby authorizes Provider to provide said <br />job analysis for each job position for which the Company will be requesting employment testing at the <br />above referenced rate. <br />I E D ocuSigned by: <br />6WAl (, Rmlkrt.Y'i� <br />0637994B755E477... —_- <br />IV DocuSigned by: de <br />� ��k <br />1F4E065E07FE43A... - - -- <br />rroviner Kepreserlial(Vei I it +c <br />6/29/2018 <br />Date <br />6/25/2018 <br />Date <br />