Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 2F480715 -130E- 4068- 982A- 846663807EAA <br />Facilitating youth and advisor participation in opportunities provided by OCHD <br />for youth development that enhance or increase skills necessary to serve as peer <br />educators and advocates whenever possible. <br />Providing nominal funding in -kind resources funds to supplement school -based <br />activities through selected district level program budgets. <br />Allowing for use of school announcements and media to publicize TRU and <br />tobacco prevention activities. If a cost is associated with the media used the <br />OCHD will pay for the service through department funds. The District Chief <br />Communication Officer will be notified of all press releases, articles, or <br />media submitted to local newspapers, radio, or television outlets related to <br />the program. <br />2. The Orange County Health Department agrees to: <br />• Encourage and support proven youth -led tobacco prevention activities, which will <br />include, but is not limited to the following for schools maintaining active TRU clubs: <br />- Provide technical assistance to TRU Advisors in the form of expertise in tobacco <br />products, evidence based youth tobacco prevention, and youth engagement in <br />public health. <br />- Train Chapel Hill High School, Carrboro High School, Phoenix Academy, and East <br />Chapel Hill High School students as TRU tobacco -use prevention peer educators, <br />as time and resources permit. <br />- Provide opportunities for youth development that enhance or increase skills <br />necessary to serve as peer educators and advocates, as time and resources <br />permit. <br />- Fund all activities that fall within the purview of TRU and the youth tobacco use <br />prevention program as OCHD funds permit. <br />- Cover the cost of the stipend for each high school's TRU Club Advisor at $350.00 <br />per semester or no more than $700.00 ($2100.00 total) <br />- Provide supplies and incentives necessary for TRU Club Advisors to conduct <br />youth -led tobacco prevention activities at schools, as resources permit. <br />• Conduct tobacco prevention and cessation educational presentations at middle schools <br />as time and resources permit. <br />• Provide technical assistance for compliance with the 100% Tobacco -Free Schools policy <br />and ATS programs in cooperation with the district liaison. <br />• Provide education opportunities for staff on current and emerging lit, smokeless, heated, <br />and electronic tobacco products. <br />• Attend Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools staff meetings as requested. <br />• Meet regularly (at least once per semester) with district -level liaison and provide <br />updates immediately when necessary. <br />