Orange County NC Website
<br />Fourteen offices of about 11X12 in size, with tluee additional offices slightly larger (12X15, <br />12X14, 12X15) based on demonsfrated need for additional space (e,g. Engineer for storage of <br />plans and drawings, and to accommodate drafting table). The fourteen offices are proposed to <br />house existing administrative and supervisory personnel from the department's three divisions, <br />and includes an office for intern/temporary employee use, an office for future expansion, and <br />offices for two Public Works-Sanitation Division supervisors who are being considered for <br />reorganization transfer to Solid Waste, It is expected that the organizational assessment regarding <br />consolidating all solid waste operations into the Solid Waste Management Department should be <br />completed by eazly spring 2005 and ready for Manager decision. <br />A reception area of about 18X24 would provide space for storage of one weeks worth of curbside <br />bins, a display area for compost bins/rain barrels, space for a waiting area, employee mailboxes, <br />fax and copy machines, etc. <br />A small meeting room/library of about 12X20 would be provided for smaller meetings (6-8 <br />persons) and a repository of solid waste literature, technical texts, historical and research <br />documents, etc. Space could be also used as workspace f'or public completion of RRMO <br />license/permit/certification facility applications, accident review committee meetings, <br />disciplinary and other employee counseling discussions, 3-R Fee appeal hearings, employee <br />applicant interviews, etc. <br />A larger fraining and education room of at least 30X40-sq. ft. is proposed to conduct numerous <br />multi-purpose training functions and meetings such as: <br />• departmental employee training and instruction <br />• senior staff meetings <br />• division meetings <br />• confractor, waste hauler, hoteUmotel, etc, waste reduction and ordinance related workshops <br />• community informational meetings <br />• SWAB meetings <br />• task force/work groups <br />The new building envisions both men's and women's bathroom facilities and a ltitchenette/break <br />room area.. An assumption of unusable hallway space and mechanical closet space has also been <br />made. <br />Storaee <br />Based on existing experience the storage utilization of the new operations center would have <br />about 1,000 sq. ft. of unheated storage space and about 400 sq. ft. of heated storage, including a <br />,janitorial closet.. <br />Existine Snace Utilization <br />Current office space allocation is: <br />• Modular Building- 1,850 sq. ft <br />• Temporary construction trailer - 224 sq. ft. <br />• Temporary construction trailer #2- 320 sq. ft. <br />• Maintenance Building - 400 sq. ft. <br />• County Sanitation Division - 460 sq. ft. <br />Total Estimated Current Space = 3,254 sq ft <br />