Orange County NC Website
It. Integrations R Business Intelligence Work Approvals A Testing: <br />This work represents integrations and business intelligence for which the Customer has provided <br />specifications. The following process will be followed to ensure that reliable work is delivered as <br />pan of the implementation: <br />If the Customer has opted in the SOW to use an existing document or file (such as an existing <br />report) as a template for she wore to be done, in under to avoid the cost and time involved in fire <br />creation of written requirement, there will not be a requirement approval process outside of what <br />documented in the SOW. <br />Or if the SOW calls for requirement b be documented during rise implementation: After due <br />Customer provides the following documentation, FASTER will create an extensive Requitement <br />Document for the Customer to approve. This document will enable the Customer to have certainly <br />about what it requires fora successful customi odon. <br />Documents to he provided by Customs: <br />• In the case of a Custom Report, a mockup in Excel or similar table. <br />• In the case of an Integration, a Dam Flow Map which will show the date the Customer warns to <br />import anchor "pd. <br />• A written summery of. <br />o Execution of me integration: How should the integration be executed? For example, would it <br />need to be ran menualy or scheduled an run aummatiodly. <br />o User Interface: Will a user interface be needed? Ifa%what arc the key element needed in the <br />user interlace? <br />o Enor Handling: How should errors be logged? Are there any specific enam or failures that <br />could occur that would need the integration m trotify the Customer aboo4 <br />o Special Considerafians: Are there any additional business rules or special considerations that <br />me Customer could not show in the dam map Nat the integration needs or meet? <br />After receipt of the above, FASTER will create a Requirement Document for the Customer's <br />approval. Once the Customer approves the Requirement, FASTER will begin and complete <br />development and testing. And then the emtom work product will be delivered with Ne COTS <br />component in the farm of the Soft Go Live noted above. <br />The Customer may choose m do whatever testing h deems necessary on the custom work during <br />the implementation in due Customer's implementation environment (more below related m <br />envircurnmenift. Those tasting costs will be beme by due Customer and administered by the <br />Customer. FASTER will provide m the Customer my and all of due test cases which FASTER has <br />already performed during it testing as of charge to use at the Customer's expense. <br />c. COTS Soflwom Approvals & Testing: <br />As a result of the nature of COTS system, due Implementation of the COTS wfiwure components <br />will not require me Customer or FASTER ro do test plan approvals, requirement documentation <br />approvals, Gap analysis or Gap analysis approvals. <br />rewwtnn 2 <br />