Orange County NC Website
Attachme st A <br />GENERAL AGREEMENT <br />CCG Systems, Inc., die FASTER Asset Solutions, hareirufterrefned to as "FASTER "agrees to grant w <br />Orange County, NC, haveratter ref redw ar "CUSwmq" and Customer agrees m accept from FASTER in <br />accordance with the f m <br />nowing turns and cutMitions as detailed in the attached schedules (collectively, the <br />- Agreement "). More specifically, Armstrong B includes a detailed Statement of Work (SOW), essowbad <br />pricing and payment terms. <br />I. CommercialoR- tlwshadfand Cusmm Deliverables: <br />a. Definition of a Commercial- oft -the -shelf Software (COTSk <br />This Agreement may have custom work product, which is distinct and separate from the COTS <br />software. Ctutom work, if my, will be listed in Attachment B. There are also several COTS <br />wRwme products that ate sold separately (FASTER Web, MotruPool, Dashboard, Standard Fuel <br />Import, Batmde, etc.). Therefre, ifthe product is not specifically listed in Annulment B, no license <br />rights arc conveyed. As FASTER Web is a COTS system, the underlying software consists of <br />standardized progmms(i.e., pre- built). As such, this Agreement takes precedent over any other <br />agreement between FASTER and Customer. <br />The COTS Software undergoes its own development cycle separately and distantly fiom the <br />implementation among. This means that no Requirements Gathering; Requirements and Design <br />approval, Gap Analysis, Testing and development work is done on FASTER COTS Software in <br />co junction with this agreement. However, custom development and testing will be done in <br />conjunction with the custom work noted in Attachment B. <br />Whatever COTS software, custom work end converted data are listed in Attachment B as work <br />product, will he deployed together to form a "Soft Go Live" instance. If there is additioml work <br />product that is to be delivered separately (after the initial polive) that will be specifically listed in <br />Attachment B. The Soft Go Live instance In tested in the FASTER dada center and then deployed f <br />the Customer's single environment that serves as the Customer's test environment during the <br />implementation and will become the production environment upon go -live. This perar m the <br />Customer to perform whatever teals it deems necessary in the later environment to which it will <br />have access. The Customer having one environment through the life of the implementation that will <br />be promoted to production is a critical aspect of quality control that is a disfinctly important pat of <br />Me FASTER COTS implementation process. And deviation from this may lead to addition cos[. This <br />process elm reduces Customer IT expenses <br />While Custom work product (if any) is built to specific cusomer- identified specifeations, the <br />nature of COTS software requires that FASTER will nut provide custom modifrcafon, code changes <br />or database structure changes an any COTS software since this could edversely agent other <br />customers. FASTER does enhance the COTS mfiware as part of its normal life cycle hosed on <br />customer input from its mare then 370 customers, market research and ou-staff gad professionals. <br />Based on me CATS "turn of FASTERS system, FASTER will not be engaging outside contractors <br />W provide services under this Agreement. Thus, any divemiy requimm n%and/or programs <br />mandating engagement ofc rain thiM -putty service pmvkem ere inapplicable m this Agreement. <br />Additionally, as FASTER provides a rogware mludan that is an intangible product, all <br />environmental programs identified anchor required by Customer are also inapplicable w this <br />Agreement. <br />MvW hair <br />