Orange County NC Website
IRAN DIVESTMENT ACT CERTIFICATION <br />REQUIRED BY N.C.G.S. <br />IW- 6A6(a) <br />Name ofCOnuactor, Vendor or SIM=CCO Sysmtaa Inc., dine EASTER Asset Sobtiom <br />As oflbe date listed below, %a antremor, vendor or bidder listed above, end all subcentraemn <br />on limtl by the contra doq vendor or bidder @wd above, is not listed an the Float Divestment List <br />emitted by his Stale Treuir er fronanl to N.C.03. 141 -6AA. <br />The undemigned barely corlifics that Ire orate is authorized by the contractor, vendor or bidder <br />listed above to make (lie fierap al statement. <br />1/12/18 <br />Signr pale <br />Foe Heat" CEO /President <br />Printed Nwna We <br />Asses m parmty slgn/ng AD font: <br />N.C.O.S. 14)C-6A -51h) Requires this certification for bids or commols with the Slate ofNonh <br />Camfim, a North Cnmlim local government, many other political subdivision of the Slew ofNmlb <br />Cwlins. The ramification is required at the Following times: <br />❑ When a bid Is sustained <br />❑ What a contract is entered into(Ifthe unification was net already made when IM1e vendor <br />made its bid) <br />❑ When a contact is renewed or assigned <br />N.C.O.S.143C- 6A -5(b) requires that unlramors with the Slew, a recall Carolina local goverment, <br />or any other political subdivision of the Slate ofNodh Carolina must not utlllu any subcontractor <br />found on Ibe Slate Tmmumr's Final Divestment Lid. The State Treasurer's Final Divedmenl List <br />on bo Intel on the Slate Treasurer's websile at des addwas www,nvtreasumnumllmn and will W <br />updtaed every ISO days. <br />" i "Onalntlar, Vendor or gWder -Return This Form With All Other Required Doamentatlon y "" <br />