2018-238 AMS - CCG Systems Faster Asset Solutions
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2018-238 AMS - CCG Systems Faster Asset Solutions
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7/23/2019 4:57:01 PM
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7/2/2018 9:01:11 AM
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Attachment D: Software License Agreement <br />1. Perpmual License: <br />FASTER grants to Cusmmera featured, non- emludisa, non- nensferable license to use the FASTER <br />software specified in Attachment Bin acceptance with the some ofthis Agreement. <br />2. Environment: <br />Customer understands That it may use FASlrU's proprietary saftware in a single environment In Nu <br />Agreement cur 'orchestrator is defined m a single installation (instance) of Me FASTER application and <br />rte FASTERdaahase. FASTER publishes specifications for each releoe of Me product. Therefore, the <br />first no of vemian of FASTER and each subaequent upgrade to a newer version requires that <br />Customer's environment comply with the minimum published spceifcetios. Failure to meet the <br />minimum specification puts Customer's comment ant el risk and may lead to FASTER being unable to <br />provide support until Customer's environment complies with the published specification. <br />e. SINGLE FASTER TEST/PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT: In order to minimize cols, m well <br />control quality and mduce risk, there will only be aria environment through the implementation <br />procure. This environment, upon installation and during implementmon will be the test <br />environment an which If asks (system overview, configuration, testing, training, ore) will be <br />performed, Upon restoring a final, go -live, database, this rest environment will then be promoted <br />W become the production environment. <br />b. TEMPORARY POST -GO -LIVE TEST ENVIRONMENT: After go-live of the FASTER system, <br />Nis Agreement permits Customer to sand up a temporary test environment an their premises, <br />limited to Me following circumstances: Testing a new version of FASTER; Testing the delivery <br />by FASTER of any connote deliverables built by FASTER; Toting upgrades s alltor patches <br />Customer performs on Customer's server operating system; or database parches or upgrades; or if <br />Customer is replacing server hardware. This ten cavern meet man be stood up 30 -days prior to any <br />of the above- identified testing and must be amed off or deleted within 45 -days after any of Me <br />above u wmplow. (This dos not apply if FASTER is providing hating.) <br />c. OTHER ZEST OR DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENVS: Customer may have a sepanh test or <br />development environment Mr other purposes at any time (tog, during the implementation or after <br />go -lire) with payment of an additional license Be and an annual support fec. <br />3. Copies, Backups & Catastrophic Fail -Over. <br />Customer understands Nat it is able to make regular backups of all programs and data apt clone, copy or <br />vmaintain a mirror image oMc production environment for caashophic fail over. This includes the use of <br />ictual machine cloning. (Des not apply for FASTER hosted Common) <br />4. Software Modifications: <br />Customer may not modify Me FASTER software, including, but no limited m, reverse engineering of my <br />camponentoflbe FASTERsystem inoderto performany such modifications. Should COtomerviolam <br />this prevision, all warranties associated with the FASTER system are null and void. <br />wsw 10117 <br />
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