2018-238 AMS - CCG Systems Faster Asset Solutions
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2018-238 AMS - CCG Systems Faster Asset Solutions
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7/23/2019 4:57:01 PM
Creation date
7/2/2018 9:01:11 AM
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R 2018-238 AMS - CCG Systems Faster Asset Solutions
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Business Hours by having Support staff members on -cell for phone support for issues defined below <br />under "Emergency FASTER Support.- <br />6. Emergency FASTER Support is available when: A. The system is frozen; B. The system hem crashed <br />and will not recover; or C. Customer cannot process work in the system. <br />]. IT Support & Consulting Not Provided: Unless Customer committed FASTER to provide hosting, <br />FASTER Support does not include IT tasks such o hardware upgrades or changes; server operating <br />system at relational dmabese management system installs, patches or upgrades; backup and restore <br />or disoter recovery; virtual machine management server and database cluster casks, etc. (if <br />FASTER a providing hosting, a separate schedule will address hosting and hosting support). <br />S. Other Limitations on Support: FASTER will provide trouble shooting and advice related to mistakes <br />Customer's employees may make (data deletion, data input error, administmfive or user ono s, etc.). <br />As a courtesy, FASTER's Support Smffaccepts such calls and is willing to assist Customer in <br />aftempting to resolve such issues that arc outside the scope of support outlined in this Agreement. <br />As such, while FASTER stathoften is able to add value in rind cause analysis and trouble shooting <br />of issues that are outside ofFASTER's responsibilities, there maybe occasions when FASTER must <br />discontinue support effors on issues that are outside ofFASTER's rmponsibilkies to be aftenlive to <br />other customers' support issue. <br />9. Training: Support does not include mining . Live -remote training vu a web -based medium such as <br />GoToMeetingcan be provided fnran additional cast. FASTER also others Regional Training for an <br />added wet in geogrepM1ic areas where there ere cancentrafiorm ofcostomers. <br />Id. Customer's Raponsibilifies: <br />a Customer's Representative most be qualifwd and authorized ro communicate dl necessary <br />information, must have administrative access to the FASTER application, must have access <br />m the database and hardware resources to be able to perform diagnostic toting and be <br />available for follow -up, if required. FASTER does accept calls from Customer Staff who do <br />not meet the above requimments. However, resolution of some issue may require a <br />Customer Stith member who meets the above contain be available. <br />b. Customer accepts sole responsibility for any compatibility problems between the Services <br />and any other application software or non- cunent software programs not maintained or <br />supported by FASTER. <br />11. Submiking a Request Customer should be prepared to provide the following: <br />a Telephone number and alternate meNod ofwntact(i.e. email address); <br />b. AdocriptionofCoOme 'sprobiemorquestion; <br />c. Providewmencapturelsorvideolsoftbeissue; <br />d. The circumstances under which &a problem does or does not amug <br />e. Sposific error messages, enor numbers, log files and program numbers; and <br />I. For customers who host FASTER on their internal IT infrastructure, additional information <br />may be needed such use Version of the FASTER Software in use, client or server operating <br />systems versions, Hardware specifications, etc. <br />Regain tat] <br />
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