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Ms. Root shared why people become homeless. Normally there is a crisis in that person's life and there <br />is not enough support to prevent them from becoming homeless. The goal is for people who are <br />homeless; rare, brief and non - recurring. The goal is to prevent homelessness orfor it to be less than <br />thirty days. They are looking to house the people who are the most vulnerable which are very often not <br />the easiest to serve people. They are people in jails, emergency rooms and costing a lot of money to <br />keep homeless. In fact, in some cases it cost more to keep someone homeless than to give them a key, a <br />lease and set them up with services they need. if they are in housing and receiving services you will see <br />a drop in mental illness and substance use. <br />Ms. Root stated that to end homelessness there are three things to think about; affordable housing, <br />appropriate services, and income. SOAR is a program that connects homeless people to a fast track <br />process to get benefits. On September 1, 2016, Orange County will have a Community SOAR <br />caseworker. Ms. Root stated that people will stay in the system if there is nowhere for them to go. <br />There is a lot of collaboration happening with elected officials and provider levels working on different <br />plans for affordable housing. Ms. Root mentioned that there is a Landlord partnership incentive <br />specifically for programs that work with homelessness. One incentive is proposing to have a staff <br />person that is a housing person that knows housing and is the landlord's one point of contact. <br />Ms. Root noted that the orientation on homelessness is open to the public and one is scheduled for <br />August 16, 2016 @ 5:30 at the Seymour Center in Chapel Hill. Mr. Cook suggested that Ms. Root come <br />back again and the AHAB members thanked her again for attending and providing a very informative <br />presentation. <br />Affordable Housing Tour <br />Audrey Spencer- Horsley wanted to thank Stephanie Watkins -Cruz, an intern for Orange County Housing, <br />Human Rights and Community Development Department for the work she has done on the Affordable <br />Housing Tour and other projects. The tour will be on September 10, 2016. Ms. Spencer - Horsley went <br />over the tentative plan of the tour. The tour will start at the Whitted Building with a continental <br />breakfast, lunch in Chapel Hill and end back in Hillsborough. Four Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners are scheduled to attend. <br />Departmental /County Reports <br />Audrey Spencer - Horsley let the AHAB Board know that the Affordable Housing Strategic Plan will be on <br />the agenda for the BOCC meeting September 8, 2016. Ms. Spencer - Horsley discussed the timing of the <br />proposed Housing Conference. She shared that it was suggested to have the conference in November <br />after the bond. Diane Beecham agreed that it should be tied to the bond. <br />Committee Reports <br />Diane Beecham reported on the Education Bond. The county is providing a $50,000 budget to educate <br />about the bond. Sheer Associates will develop the campaign. The campaign will begin the end of August <br />until November. The slogan is" Our Schools Our Neighborhood ". <br />Noah Oswald reported on tiny homes. It was suggested to educate the public about tiny homes because <br />they are not legal in some places. Ellie Kinnaird stated that impact fees hurt affordable housing including <br />tiny homes. Mr. Oswald stated that it is expensive without impact fees. The AHAB board wants Audrey <br />Spencer - Horsley to talk to Planning Director about attending a meeting to discuss tiny homes and other <br />affordable housing initiatives they are working on. <br />