Orange County NC Website
Affordable Housing Advisory Board <br />Whitted Building <br />300 West Tryon Street, Room 250 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Minutes <br />Tuesday, August 9, 2016 <br />Members Present: Patsy Barbie, Chair, Arthur Sprinczeles, Vice Chair; Eleanor Kinnaird; Noah Oswald; <br />Nannie Richmond; Diane Beecham and Keith Cook <br />Excused Absence: Tammy Jacobs <br />Unexcused Absence: None <br />Staff Present: Audrey Spencer - Horsley, Director; and Angela Rockett, Administrative Assistant, Alicia <br />Jones; Housing Program Manager <br />Guest: Corey Root; Orange County Homeless Program Coordinator, Tara May, Intern Orange County <br />Homeless Program and Kolby Herndon <br />Welcome /Introduction <br />The AHAB Chair Patsy Barbee, called the meeting to order at 6:24 pm. <br />Approval of Minutes <br />Correction: Kolby Herndon was listed in the April and May minutes as unexcused member and is not a <br />member. Kolby was a guest. <br />Noah Oswald made a motion to approve the minutes of April 12, 2016 and Nannie Richmond seconded <br />the motion. Mr. Oswald made a motion to approve the minutes of May 17, 2016 and the minutes were <br />approved unanimously. <br />Speaker <br />Audrey Spencer - Horsley introduced Corey Root from Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness. <br />Ms. Root explained that the Partnership to End Homelessness is funded by the county and the three <br />municipalities. The partnership does a number of things including Project Connect. She explained the <br />Outreach Court program which is a therapeutic court that is for people that are homeless or displaced. <br />It helps people get connected to services and get them in housing. There are not many communities <br />that have this program. They are working towards more collaboration and standardization pieces to <br />figure out the gaps in the system and addressing those gaps. The goal is to put people in permanent <br />housing as quick as possible and that is why affordable housing is needed. They have been doing a <br />number of trainings with the communities. Ms. Root stressed the need to have a lot of people on board <br />to make the program work. <br />