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will be set up to fail again and again. Tammy Jacobs commented that there should be programs <br />that support the homeless through Human Services. <br />Eleanor Kinnaird wanted to see specific parameters in place on how the bond money will be <br />spent. Alex Nickodem spoke about a nonprofit LLC Boone that was a donor /investor as a way <br />to raise additional monies. He stated that some of the funds invested will be returned. Audrey <br />Spencer - Horsley stated that a summary report was provided to the BOCC on the use of all the <br />original bond money and how used. Nannie Richmond spoke about how a portion of the bond <br />money sat she believes for eight years and was finally used. Daniel Bullock stated there should <br />be community engagement on how the bond money is spent. Eleanor Kinnaird commented on <br />having a study, assessment and review. Other comments included that housing at a minimum <br />should meet Housing Choice Voucher (HCV; Section 8) standards and assisted projects should <br />accept the HCVs. Tammy Jacobs said the AHAB should look at the previous bond guidelines and <br />if the bond materials will be sent out? M,s. Spencer - Horsley said the AHAB would be sent this <br />information along with other information about the Bond project funding process. <br />AHAB Tour <br />A second AHAB tour was discussed and will probably be in or after March 2017. <br />AHAB Annual Report to BOCC <br />Ms. Spencer - Horsley excused herself at 6:55 pm to attend a BOCC meeting and mentioned in <br />closing that the AHAB annual report is due to the BOCC next month, December 2016. <br />Eleanor Kinnaird made a motion to end the meeting and Daniel Bullock seconded the motion. <br />The next meeting will be December 13, 2016. There being no further business, the meeting <br />was adjourned at 7:00 pm. <br />Respectfully submitted: <br />Millicent Bowie, Administrative Temp <br />Audrey Spencer - Horsley, Director <br />Housing, Human Rights and Community Development <br />