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z <br />The building OE proposes to purchase was previously the location for the FB .Johnston <br />Company and is one of two manufacturing buildings located on a 20 acres site, OE proposes to <br />purchase Building #2 and 10 acres of the property. Building #2 is located toward the back of <br />the property. The building contains 25,400 square feet, including 3,000 square feet of office <br />space and 22,400 square feet of manufacturing and warehouse space, The building, which <br />was constructed in late 1979, has been well maintained and, with the exception of some <br />needed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and OE operations needed upfit, is favorably <br />matched to the OE operation. OE has provided a business plan that demonstrates its ability to <br />meet the higher financial demands that would be required by the new facility, As discussed <br />further below, OE's capacity to compete for additional contracts is severely limited by the <br />current facility. <br />OE has two subsidiary enterprises, a custodial business and a landscaping business, Through <br />a relationship with National Industries for the Severely Handicapped (NISH), an organization <br />that manages the federal set-aside programs under the ,Davits-Wagner-O'Day Act, OE has been <br />awarded two custodial contracts this year, valued at almost $850,000 annually, which helps <br />contribute to the fiscal stability of the organization. The mail fulfillment work performed in-house <br />by persons with disabilities has been limited by space constraints. This component employs <br />approximately 100 persons a day with production sales of about $450,000 per year, Additional <br />space will enable OE to expand this division and compete for NISH manufacturing projects <br />(products manufactured by disabled persons for use in government agencies), <br />Financial projections prepared by OE indicate that the organization will be able to maintain <br />support and revenue in excess of expenses over the next five years, including debt service, <br />The additional space will enable OE to expand employment and aver the next six years, OE <br />projects that it will provide 57 new jobs for disabled persons and 43 new jobs for non-disabled <br />persons. The attached agreement spells out the employment projections and the expectation <br />of payment of living wages for OE staff and commensurate wages for all other employees. The <br />agreement also provides that OE will convey a Conservation Easement to the County for the <br />land in the flood hazard area of the Eno River, <br />Kathy Bryant, OE Executive Director, and Dianne Reid, Orange County Economic Development <br />Director, will present additional information during the public hearing, <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The purchase price of the building and ten acres to OE is $950,000, <br />Orange County is being asked to contribute $525,000 in the 2004-2005 fiscal year and <br />$100,000 in each of the 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 fiscal years. Further, the <br />County is being asked to increase its operational support in an amount equal to $120,000 over <br />the period ending with the 2009-2010 fiscal years. The specific annual operating appropriations <br />are set forth in the agreement. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />• Receive public comment regarding the agreement between Orange County and OE; and <br />• Approve the agreement with OE; and <br />• Approve the reallocation of capital funds to be used by OE toward the purchase of the <br />facility as outlined herein; and <br />Authorize the Chair to sign the agreement on behalf of the Board, <br />