Orange County NC Website
Request for a 2018 Affordable Housing Tour <br />The Chair asked about the Affordable Housing Tour. Ms. Hampton commented on the budget <br />and that there are several other groups that are proposing tours. The last tour was in 2016. <br />Mr. Cook stated that they asked for another tour because of the new members. The AHAB <br />members shared with their new colleagues what they experienced on the former tour. Ms. <br />Hampton stated that if the Affordable Housing Coalition is planning a tour, the Board could <br />possibly participate in that one and have to do a separate tour. She will bring back information <br />at the March meeting. <br />Other Business <br />Ms. Hampton stated that Ms. Kinnaird invited a speaker to come to the March meeting and <br />present on a proposed Master Leasing Initiative. Ms. Kinnaird stated that she clarified with the <br />presenters that Advisory Boards did not have any monies to fund the proposal. The group's <br />proposal involves master leasing units on an ongoing basis every year. Ms. Hampton explained <br />that they are looking to rent apartments within market -rate developments. <br />Adjournment <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted: <br />Angela Rockett, Administrative Assistant <br />Housing and Community Development Department <br />