Orange County NC Website
Ms. Spencer-Horsley stated that they have asked us staff to work on a manufactured housing (mobile <br /> homes) strategy which includes the one million dollars for land banking that is set aside and potentially <br /> another million. The BOCC restricted the first million for a manufactured housing strategy and <br /> indicated possible flexibility on the second million set aside for that and other affordable housing. <br /> Diane Beecham asked what specifically are they looking for pertaining to mobile home strategies? Ms. <br /> Spencer-Horsley explained that it is a source of affordable housing and the BOCC want to encourage <br /> and preserve that in the county. There has not been a new park developed in the last ten or 15 years. <br /> The county still has substantial affordable housing stock in mobile home parks alone. There are about <br /> 4,000 manufactured units distributed throughout the county,but there are a little over 2,000 units in <br /> parks that provide affordable housing for people residing in the county. <br /> There was discussion of the county being a landlord and perhaps via the OCHA. Ms. Spencer-Horsley <br /> said the BOCC have reservations about being a landlord,but for the OCHA, it was not completely taken <br /> off the table for future discussion. She added that Habitat for Humanity had a workgroup put together to <br /> look at mobile home strategies that is in early stages. There have been two meetings that were attended <br /> by two developers. Jean Bolduc asked if Habitat for Humanity does any work with mobile homes. Ms. <br /> Spencer-Horsley noted that Habitat for Humanity has recently acquired property that had mobile homes <br /> on it and some of their previous projects may have had some scattered mobile home units. <br /> Department Meeting with Homeless Programs Coordinator on Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) <br /> Preferences <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley and Alicia Jones met with the Homeless Coordinator, Corey Root and Intern to <br /> discuss and explain homelessness issues and HCV program preferences. Ms. Spencer-Horsley stated <br /> that she and Ms. Jones discussed with Ms. Root the emphasis needed on an assessment process and an <br /> established and strongly coordinated network of supportive services for homeless persons in order for <br /> preferences to be successful for homeless populations. <br /> BOCC Work Session- Outside Agency Funding and Advisory Boards and Other Items <br /> On November 17, 2016,the BOCC will be discussing at their work session outside agency funding,the <br /> process and criteria for funding. The BOCC will also discuss Advisory Boards including how to <br /> strengthen the process for appointments and coordination more consistent across the Advisory Boards. <br /> The BOCC will also get an update and discuss the Green Tract that is jointly owned with the Towns of <br /> Carrboro and Chapel Hill. This is the largest publicly owned site where plans for affordable housing <br /> have been proposed. <br /> HUD Updates <br /> Among HUD notices, Ms. Spencer-Horsley stated that HUD has released notices for affirmatively <br /> furthering fair housing assessment tools for Housing Authorities and final rules on harassment and <br /> limited English proficient speakers. The OCHA will be hearing more about these notices and <br /> implementation as a part of information for updating the HCV Administrative Plan and other <br /> Departmental efforts for compliance going forward. <br />