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h <br /> Audrey Spencer-Horsley stated that on the January 24, 2017 they will provide a timeline and <br /> recommendation on the process for RFP on county owned land, OCHA land and the bond. The bond <br /> will be done in two parts. <br /> Ms. Spencer-Horsley updated the board on homeownership. There is one homeowner ready to go and <br /> six or seven in queue. They are looking for units that they can afford. Ms. Spencer-Horsley stated that <br /> one of the non-profits that we are partnering with is looking at one or two of the parcels that the county <br /> has to provide homeowner opportunities for the voucher holders. <br /> Diane Beecham made a motion that the parcels of lands that the OCHA board has control over be <br /> considered by the county as part of the strategic plan and the RFP for affordable housing, seconded by <br /> Evelyn Johann and approved unanimously. <br /> Financial Report <br /> Ms. Spencer-Horsley reviewed the financial report. At the end of December there were 565 vouchers. <br /> There are 15 vouchers on the street. There are S people ready for new vouchers. Ms. Spencer-Horsley <br /> explained that HAP original is what it is at the first of the month and HAP current is what it is at the <br /> time the report is pulled. She also shared that information has not been entered for key components of <br /> the system. She stated that it may not be cost effective to have our software vender do this so staff will <br /> possibly do this on a Saturday because it is too much to do during work hours. <br /> Administrative Plan Update <br /> Ms. Alicia Jones was absent and could not review the Administrative Plan. Ms. Spencer-Horsley asked <br /> if there were any questions on the plan. The next section will be on the Housing Quality Standards. The <br /> inspectors had made some recommendations on changes they would like to recommend. The preferences <br /> are the same and there were a few updates to definitions. <br /> Jean Bolduc wanted clarification on the use of illegal drugs and maintaining vouchers. Ms. Spencer- <br /> Horsley stated that you have to be convicted in order to be evicted. Ms. Bolduc also questioned <br /> Consideration of Circumstance on page 43, number 39. Ms. Spencer-Horsley stated that she will check <br /> to make sure that the information is based on facts from HUD. Ms. Bolduc would like to change the <br /> wording from"likely hood"to "prospect" and use the term exclusively to make the statements clearer. <br /> The HQS items will be discussed at the February meeting and the hearing will be in March. Ms. <br /> Spencer-Horsley discussed that one of the challenges for the inspectors is repeat inspections that are <br /> cancelled and have to be reschedule. Staff will be looking at strategies to reduce how many times they <br /> have to go back. She discussed that we are looking at contractual services to help the inspectors with <br /> their work load. <br />