OUTBoard minutes 041818
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 041818
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Last modified
12/27/2018 3:48:07 PM
Creation date
6/25/2018 4:27:22 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard agenda 041818
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Approved 5/16/18 <br /> 169 <br />Heidi Perry said it would be good to know how the approved projects fit into the Vision Zero Plan. 170 <br /> 171 <br />Abigaile Pittman asked whether the order in the agenda packet is the OUTBoard’s preferred order. Nish Trivedi 172 <br />answered that it was the order chosen by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. 173 <br /> 174 <br />The OUTBoard discussed its preferred order of the projects. 175 <br /> 176 <br />Heidi Perry said it is hard to stomach spending $200 million to try to bring more cars on the roads. Any more lanes 177 <br />should be transit only. 178 <br /> 179 <br />Alex Castro said at what point do you reach saturation. The big cities have been dealing with this by putting in toll 180 <br />lanes and express lanes and charging more for them at peak times. 181 <br /> 182 <br />Jenn Sykes said a lot of people who work in low-paying jobs live in Alamance County and northern Orange County. 183 <br />As much as we want bicycle lanes, these road improvements are for people who have to get to work. These 184 <br />improvements have to be funded. To reduce commuter distances, this county has to invest in affordable housing. 185 <br /> 186 <br />Heidi Perry said if a lot of people drive into Chapel Hill from Alamance County, there should be a regional transit 187 <br />system. 188 <br /> 189 <br />Alex Castro wondered why an employer like UNC doesn’t give free parking to four people carpooling together. Jenn 190 <br />Sykes said Orange County would need to incentivize that. Heidi Perry said she thinks the county needs to do that. 191 <br /> 192 <br />Alex Castro said those commuting from the north have to ride through Hillsborough. 193 <br /> 194 <br />Heidi Perry said TARPO needs to look at this from a TDM, regional transit perspective before spending $200 million. 195 <br />Data needs to be collected to determine where people are coming from and where people are going. 196 <br /> 197 <br />Nish Trivedi said there is the N.C. 54 existing conditions report. Heidi Perry said traffic counters just counts cars and 198 <br />do not determine where the cars are coming from. 199 <br /> 200 <br />Jenn Sykes said it would be economic numbers, where are the businesses and what are the shift times. Heidi Perry 201 <br />agreed that the businesses/employers have to be involved. Nish Trivedi said the Triangle model tries to do that. Heidi 202 <br />Perry said it’s inexact. 203 <br /> 204 <br />Alyson West suggested moving the transit project to the top. 205 <br /> 206 <br />Jenn Sykes advocated for keeping Number 2 as Number 2. 207 <br /> 208 <br />Heidi Perry called for a motion on the order. 209 <br /> 210 MOTION by Art Menius to approve recommendation in the current order presented. Seconded by Erle Smith. 211 <br /> 212 <br />Alyson West proposed adding the OCPT item to first on the list because it is $100,000 and the others are a lot of 213 <br />money. 214 <br /> 215 <br />Art Menius withdrew his motion. 216 <br /> 217 <br />MOTION by Alyson West to recommend adding OCPT item to number one on the list. Seconded by Art Menius. 218 VOTE: UNANIMOUS 219 <br /> 220 <br />Nish Trivedi asked if there are any comments on DCHC and noted the ones in red are funded. 221 <br /> 222 <br />Alyson West asked whether the ones in white are still a possibility. Nish Trivedi answered they go through region and 223 <br />division inputs. 224
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