Orange County NC Website
(f7 To adopt Bylaws containing such rules and regulations for the conduct of its <br />business as it may deem necessary for the proper discharge of its duties and <br />the performance of its functions, not inconsistent with the Charter of the <br />laws of North Carolina. <br />(g) To create agencies of the Council to act for and on behalf of the Council in the <br />planning and development of particular programs which affect the health, <br />safety, welfare, housing, education, economic conditions or regional <br />development of two or more member governmental units. Such agencies <br />shall have such membership, staff, powers, duties and responsibilities as may <br />be specified in the Council Resolutions establishing such agencies, consistent <br />with powers herein granted to the Council. Provided, however, such agency <br />shall at all times be acting for and on behalf of, and shall be responsible to the <br />Council. The Council may appropriate funds for the use of agency programs <br />which it has received from any source, including member assessments, <br />provided such appropriation is made in accordance with the Charter. <br />(h) To contract with and provide services to local governmental units within <br />Region J. <br />(i) To serve as an informational clearinghouse and, as a reviewing agency with <br />respect to Federal, State and local services or resources available to assist in <br />the solution of problems. <br />(j) To request and receive contributions of research assistance from its own <br />agencies, private research organizations, civil foundations, institutions of <br />higher learning, and other organizations. <br />(k) To purchase, lease, rent or otherwise acquire real and personal property to <br />the extent necessary to discharge the other powers, duties and functions set <br />forth herein and to the extent such purchases are authorized by general or <br />special budgets and are within the limits of funds appropriated for or <br />provided to the Council by the participating governmental units and others <br />for such purposes. <br />(1) To act as the official reviewing agency of the participating governmental <br />units for all programs, Federal, State, or private, requiring regional review. <br />It is the desire of the membership of this Council to avoid duplication of governmental <br />functions, particularly in the planning and development of future programs in areas of <br />governmental responsibility, and to that end this Council is created, should function, and <br />these powers are given. <br />H <br />