Orange County NC Website
Consolidated Agreement • Final <br />7 <br />c. For Accountins Purposes: The Department must utilize the depreciation schedule provided by the State <br />for all assets with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or greater., The accumulated depreciation should be <br />recorded in the general fixed assets account group. <br />15. The Department agrees to execute the following Federal Certifications attached to this agreement as <br />applicable when receiving Federal funds: <br />a. Certification regazding Lobbying. <br />b. Certification regarding Debarment <br />c. Certification regazding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements. <br />d Certification regazding Environmental Tobacco Smoke <br />16 The Department shall incorporate appropriate elements of the North Carolina Public Health logo and <br />themeline (slogan) into communication materials developed for programs and services that depend, in whole <br />or in part, upon state funding, <br />C.. FISCAL CONTROL, <br />1 The Department shall comply with the Local Govemment Budget and Fiscal Control Act, North Carolina <br />General Statute Chapter 159, Article 3. <br />a. The Department shall maintain a purchasing and procurement system in accordance with generally <br />accepted accounting practices and procedures set forth by the Local Government Commission.. <br />b The Department shall execute written agreements with all parties who invoice the Department for <br />pa}ment for the provision of services to patients. <br />c. When subcontracting, the following conditions must be met: <br />i. The Department is not relieved of any of the duties and responsibilities provided in this agreement, <br />ii. The subcontractor will agree to abide by the standazds contained herein or to provide such <br />information as to allow the Department to comply with these standards. <br />iii. The subcontractor will agree to allow state and federal authorized representatives' access to any <br />records pertinent to its role as a subcontractor of the Depa~trnent. <br />iv.. Upon request, the Department will make available to the State a copy of subcontracts supported with <br />State/Federalfunds. <br />d. The Department must receive prior written approval from the state to subcontract when any of the <br />following conditions exist: <br />The Departrnent proposes to subcontract to a single entity fifty percent (50%) or more of the total <br />state and federal funds made available through this agreement. <br />ii The Department proposes to subcontract fifty percent (50%) or more, or $50,000, whichever is <br />greater, of the total state and federal funds made available through this agreement for a single public <br />health service or program. <br />iii The Department proposes to subcontract for services in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) <br />Program.. <br />