Agenda - 04-12-2005-5c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-12-2005
Agenda - 04-12-2005-5c
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8/29/2008 10:14:00 AM
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Consolidmed A~'eemcm -Final <br />io <br />j. A "Certification of Expenditures" (for items in "i:' above), signed by the health director and finance <br />officer, shall be submitted annually with original Budget Forms (DENR 2948) and shall be kept on file <br />by the State, The "Certification" verifies in writing that total State expenditures reported are valid. <br />Local expenditures are part of the Expenditure report, but are not included in the amount verified in the <br />"Certification" <br />4 (State/ Federal Revenues) The Department shall submit a monthly report of actual expenditures (State and/or <br />Federal) to the DHHS Controller's Office in the Aid-to-Counties Website as referenced in 3.f. above -all <br />reported in one system, but sepazated here for clarity of instructions. <br />a. The Department shall submit a monthly Expenditure Report for all programs via the Aid-to-Counties <br />Website to the DHHS Controller's Office no Zater than the dates published annually in November or <br />December for the next calendar year. The schedule reflects a general period of 15-20 days from the end <br />of the reporting month for submission of the Aid-to-Counties Website report, based on weekends and <br />holidays, to allow processing time for the payment, Failure to meet the reporting deadline, as published, <br />WILL result in the exclusion of those expenditures in the OSC E-Payment for that month. Early <br />submission may result in earlier payment to the Department. The Departrnent must submit these <br />monthly Expenditure Reports, via the Aid-to-Counties Website, consecutively throughout the agreement <br />period. <br />b. Departments shall keep expenditure reporting current and submit their certification of expenditures per <br />the published DHHS Controller's Office Schedule. Funding is based on an Allocation Method, not a <br />Contract Method, and counties receive reimbursement for services provided during one month in the <br />following month. Therefore, the last service month to be paid in the SFY will be May services which <br />are reported and paid in June. <br />A department's .Tune, 2006 expenditure report will be paid in July, 2006 and will be paid from a <br />department's funding allocation for SFY 2006-07. Therefore a department will need to submit all <br />requests for adjustments, corrections, or amendments to expenditure reports for fiscal year OS-06, <br />with the May, 2006-expenditure report. <br />c. Expenditures of federal funds must be reported according to the funding period for a grant. Care must <br />betaken to be attentive to the service month/payment months for each grant as well as the ending <br />settlement date for a grant. (For example, a grant which ends November 30 will have 6 service/payment <br />months charged against it: I) .Lune 2005 service month/paid in July; 2) July service month/paid in <br />August; 3) August service month/paid in September; 4) September service month/paid in October; 5) <br />October service month/ paid in November; and 6) November service month/paid either in December, or <br />before the ending date of that grant's settlement period. In this example the remaining 6 <br />service/payment months will be December service month/paid in January through May service <br />month/paid in .June, 2006.) For each Grant, the budgetary estimate, funding authorization and <br />agreement addendum will have service/payment month dates listed. Billing the service month in the <br />next month and reporting adjustments whenever discovered but at least quarterly, should ensure that the <br />Departrnent receives proper payment. Grant expenditures submitted afrer the settlement date of a Grant <br />will not be reimbursed, nor will there be any year end settlement from any other source of funds. <br />d. 'the Department shall submit the final LHD Expenditure Report (Electronic, via the Aid-to-Counties <br />Website) for all programs to the DHHS Controller's Office according to the schedule published annually <br />in November or December for the next Calendar Yeaz by the DHHS Controller's Office, The May <br />Services/Paid in June will be the final report period paid from the SFY. Services provided in <br />June and reported in July will be paid out of the next SFY. <br />e. The Department shall have opportunities to submit amended or corrected expenditure reports as soon as <br />the error is discovered, but at least quarterly. A DEPARTMENT SHOULD NOT WAIT TO SUBMIT <br />
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