Orange County NC Website
9314 8000 3B60 0209 9892 92 00000007 <br />yo U. 8, Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Region IV <br />*!�c A <br />t � Five Points Plaza <br />fl I Ilj�f 40 Marietta Street. <br />Ole Atlanta, Georgia 30303 -2806 <br />CERTIFIED TAR, — RETURN RECEIPT RE' AND ELECTRONIC MAIL <br />April 24, 2018 <br />Bonnie Hamnrersley, County Manager <br />Orange County North Carolina Government <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 -8181 <br />Dear Ms. Hammersley: <br />SUBJECT: Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) <br />Completion of Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) <br />On October 10, 2017, the Orange County Human Relations Deparfinent (OCHRD) Nvas <br />notified of its placement on a Pcrfonnance Improvement Plan (PIP) because of deficiencies noted <br />during the onsite. performance assessment conducted June 29 -31, 2017, The PIP was originally <br />effective for a 90 -day period from November 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018. A brief extension was <br />requested and granted until February 7, 2018 to allow for the completion of all corrective actions. <br />Below is an assessment of OCHRD'S performance during the PIP. <br />A. Organizational Structure and Staffing: <br />The corrective actions have been satisfied. The Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />separated the Division of Human Rights and Relations in the Department of Housing Human <br />Rights and Community Development. The division is now the Department of Harman Rights <br />and Relations (DHRR), a separate department within Orange County government. The <br />agency further demonstrated that the staff has the skills to administer the program or will <br />obtain them through the implementation of a training plan and hired a new intake specialist. <br />Additionally, the agency addressed the potential conflict of interest issue by indicating that <br />the Director would not serve as the Staff Attorney for the DHRR. <br />B. Performance Standard #1: Commence cornplaint proceedings, carry, forward such <br />proceedings, complete investigations, issue determinations, and make final <br />administrative dispositions in a timely manner. [24 C.F.R. § 115.206(e)(1)]. <br />The corrective actions have been satisfied. Although the agency did not meet its original <br />proposed deadline of January 16, 2018, all cases aged over 200 and 300 days were closed by <br />February 7, 2018. At completion of the PIP, a case status update was received on February <br />27, 2018, indicating projected dates of completion that will prevent remaining cases from <br />aging over 200 days. <br />® HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and <br />quality, affordable homes for all. <br />rrr.� « wmiw.hud.goyigeorgta <br />�i <br />