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Passmore Center Expansion: (FY2017 -22 CIP page 363) This project is currently under construction and is <br />anticipated to be complete in the late summer of 2018. Site work is largely complete and, like the Sportsplex <br />Fieldhouse, has endured unusually wet winter and spring weather challenges. The exterior building <br />construction is largely complete, the roof has been installed, the HVAC unit currently being installed, and the <br />interior building construction is anticipated to start within the next two weeks. <br />Southern Campus Expansion: (FY2017 -22 CIP page 367) The Board of County Commissioners awarded a <br />professional services agreement with Smith Sinnett Architecture on November 2, 2017. The multiple phases of <br />this project are currently in the schematic design phase. Schematic design includes programming, conceptual <br />design, as well as thorough technical review by the Town of Chapel Hill planning staff (as governed by the <br />master plan special use permit). Development design and construction document preparation for Phase 1 <br />project components (roadway straightening, additional parking and related site work, and Seymour Center <br />improvements) are anticipated to be complete in the winter of 2018. Bidding and construction of Phase 1 is <br />anticipated to be complete in the late winter, 2019. Development design and construction document <br />preparation for Phase 2 improvements (meeting facility, Health Department, potential Dental Clinic and <br />Department of Social Services) is anticipated to begin in the fall of 2018. Construction for Phase 2 is <br />anticipated to begin in early 2020 and be completed in the spring 2021. <br />Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ( "HVAC ") Projects: (FY2017 -22 CIP page 358) This project <br />includes HVAC improvements /replacements for the Dickson House, Robert & Pearl Seymour Center units 2 <br />and 7, and all units at 501 Franklin Street, Chapel Hill. The replacement units for the Dickson House and the <br />Robert & Pearl Seymour center are complete. The design for the HVAC units at 501 W. Franklin Street is <br />complete, and project has been awarded. The construction is scheduled to start in June 2018 and be complete <br />by July 2018. <br />Link Lower Level fit Up: (FY2017 -22 CIP page 359) The John Link Jr. Government Services Center project <br />design is complete. The construction for the first two phases is complete. The design for phase 3 is complete. <br />Construction bidding and award for phase 3 is contemplated to occur in June, 2018. The construction is <br />anticipated to start in June and be complete in mid - Summer 2018 for the Public Defender to relocate from 129 <br />E. King Street to John Link Jr. Government Services Center. <br />These project updates can be found on the Orange County website <br />at htt://www.orange2o2ntMc.2ov /departments /asset management services (arms) /car�ital �roiects.�h�. <br />If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach me at 919.245.2628 or <br />at abarnesoran ov at any time. <br />Thank you. <br />Angel Barnes <br />Capital Projects Manager <br />Orange County Asset Management Services <br />Attachments: <br />A - 1627 Whitted ADA Improvements Drawings <br />B - 2017 -18 Annual Report on Orange County Facilities Accessibility <br />