Agenda - Item 8-s - Computer Surplus Declaration and Donation to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
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Agenda - 06-19-2018
Agenda - Item 8-s - Computer Surplus Declaration and Donation to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
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Last modified
6/15/2018 3:06:42 PM
Creation date
6/15/2018 2:32:22 PM
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Agenda - 06-19-2018 Regular Board Meeting
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<br />Property to be donated <br /> <br />It should be noted that providing the County’s surplus computers to local non-profit <br />organizations has also been previously discussed and pursued. However, agencies have <br />declined interest due to the age of the computers as well as the cost to purchase operating <br />systems since the County must remove all software and information for security and licensing <br />purposes prior to any disposal action. The possibility of making surplus computers available to <br />County employees has also been discussed. The interest among County employees is <br />uncertain, and it has been noted that conveying/selling the computers to employees requires a <br />prescribed process based on State law. Staff will evaluate both employees’ interest and the <br />legal process in preparation for future surplus computer disposal consideration. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Donating these computers to CHCCS will have no financial impact on <br />the County. As these computers have had 5-7 years of use and have been deemed unsuitable <br />for repair or further use for their intended purpose, any money recovered by selling these <br />computers as-is would be offset by the Staff time involved in managing the sale. The computers <br />hold considerably more value as teaching tools for Orange County students. <br /> <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following two Orange County Social Justice Goals are <br />applicable to this agenda item: <br />• GOAL: ENSURE ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY <br />The creation and preservation of infrastructure, policies, programs and funding necessary <br />for residents to provide shelter, food, clothing and medical care for themselves and their <br />dependents. <br /> <br />• GOAL: ESTABLISH SUSTAINABLE AND EQUITABLE LAND-USE AND <br />ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES <br />The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes <br />and educational levels with respect to the development and enforcement of <br />environmental laws, regulations, policies, and decisions. Fair treatment means that no <br />group of people should bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental <br />consequences resulting from industrial, governmental and commercial operations or <br />policies. <br /> <br />The donation of a portion of the County’s surplus computers to CHCCS will help support a new <br />computer reuse and training program aimed at providing valuable hands-on technical training for <br />Orange County students. This training program will continue to divert the County’s e-waste from <br />the landfill, while helping to prepare these students for jobs in the traditionally higher-paid <br />computer field, thereby increasing their economic security. These results translate to positive <br />outcomes related to the above Social Justice Goals. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve and authorize <br />the Chair to sign a resolution upon County Attorney review declaring items listed above as <br />surplus and authorizing the donation of those items to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />(CHCCS) Board of Education. <br />Computer Type Qty Average Age of Equipment Hard drives erased/wiped <br />Laptops 216 5 years National Institute of Standards and <br />Technology 800-88 Guidelines 7 pass <br />erasing technology <br />Desktops 168 6 years National Institute of Standards and <br />Technology 800-88 Guidelines 7 pass <br />erasing technology <br />Total 384 <br />2
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