Orange County NC Website
l <br />passed or alternative funding pursued, conditions may exist where both new construction <br />and renovation monies are needed. Zn the past, county capital needs advisory task forces <br />and county commissioners have had the freedom to prioritize such needs without regard <br />to pre-set formulas. <br />4. Capital spending decisions should meet the requirements of both state law and SAPFO. <br />Should either district experience sudden, unexpected growth, the need to bui ]d a new <br />school and maintain older ones may occur at a time when the 60 - 40 ratio would not <br />permit additional school spending. <br />We appreciate the opportunity to voice our concerns and perspective. As you move <br />forward with further consideration of the policy, we hope that you will pursue a course <br />that is flexible enough to meet both known and unanticipated needs. <br />~ncerely, <br />1 'sL)a--t:'~ ~~ <br />Lisa Stuckey <br />Cc: Neil Pedersen <br />/John Link <br />School Link <br />