Agenda - Item 6-d - Social Services Reform and Performance Memorandum of Understanding
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Agenda - 06-19-2018
Agenda - Item 6-d - Social Services Reform and Performance Memorandum of Understanding
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Last modified
6/15/2018 2:54:59 PM
Creation date
6/15/2018 2:15:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-19-2018 Regular Board Meeting
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Page 7 of 20 <br /> <br /> <br />corrective action, and significant changes to law, rule and policy that impact the <br />administration of social services programs covered by this MOU. <br />e. Inter-agency Coordination: <br />i. Provide guidance to counties in the event they are unable to reach a resolution <br />on a conflict of interest that arises related to the provision of social services <br />programs covered by this MOU. <br />ii. Provide guidance for county DSS personnel on federal and state Emergency <br />Management, mass shelter, Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Continuity of <br />Operations Plan (COOP) requirements. <br />iii. Coordinate with and communicate to county DSS agencies regarding available <br />and required training opportunities associated with DSS Mass Shelter, BCP and <br />COOP responsibilities. <br />iv. Assist and support counties as needed in implementation of operational <br />functions of mass shelter operations and as needed during other emergencies <br />as they arise. <br />(5) The Department shall timely meet all of its responsibilities contained in this MOU. “Timely” shall <br />be defined consistent with timeliness requirements set forth in relevant statute, regulation, and <br />policy. Where timeliness is not otherwise defined, “timely” shall mean within a reasonable time <br />under the circumstances. <br /> <br />14.0 Responsibilities of the County <br /> <br />The County hereby agrees that its responsibilities under this MOU are as follows: <br />(1) The County shall adhere to the mandated performance requirements for each social services <br />program as identified in Attachments I through IX. <br /> <br />(2) The County shall comply with the following administrative responsibilities <br />a. Staff Requirements and Workforce Development: <br />i. The personnel, including new hires and existing staff, involved in the County’s <br />provision of social services programs covered by this MOU shall complete all <br />required and necessary training, which is documented as required by federal and <br />state law and policy. <br />b. Compliance: <br />i. Perform activities related to its social services programs in compliance with all <br />applicable federal and State laws, rules, regulations and policies. Nothing <br />contained herein is intended to, nor has the effect of superseding or replacing <br />state law, rules or policy related to social services programs. <br />ii. Develop and implement internal controls over financial resources related to the <br />County’s social services programs to ensure that all financial resources are used <br />in compliance with applicable federal and state laws. <br />iii. Provide and adhere to corrective action plans as required based on monitoring <br />findings and the Single Audit. <br />c. Data Submission: <br />i. Maintain accurate, thorough records of all social services programs covered by <br />this MOU, in particular, records related to the mandated performance <br />requirements that can be accessed for the purpose of data collection, service <br />provision, monitoring or consultation <br />ii. Ensure reliable data entry into state systems utilized for the administration of <br />social services programs covered under this MOU. <br />10
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