Orange County NC Website
9 <br />FFY 2018 Annual Action Plan <br />Orange County HOME Consortium <br />in their operations. Those Consortia allocate funding according to local needs, the capacity to use <br />the funds, and a regional strategy that addresses the broader housing needs of the Consortium <br />as a whole —for the success and betterment of the whole —for a better quality of life and <br />economic vitality for all the communities individually and collectively. <br />Greatest Needs; <br />According to the 2012 -2016 American Community Survey 5 -Year Estimates the elderly population <br />of Orange County (age 62 and above) is 20,272 persons which represents 14.5% of the total <br />County's population. As the County's population ages in place, there will be less available elderly <br />units and a higher demand for those units. <br />As part of the Master Aging Plan, Orange County aims to offer an array of housing options that <br />reflects the diverse preferences and abilities of an olde adult population. Orange County needs <br />to conceptualize a continuum of housing types t= acco- odate rapid growth in its senior <br />population and invest in the development of pre�e-rre . housi_ g models. <br />There is a great need for housing rehabil <br />moderate - income persons. The housin. <br />to poor. Many of the higher quality en <br />to the universities. The lower qua_tV- <br />code enforcement is needed to aress <br />There is also a lack o�a cesslb ousir <br />physically disabled P' -se�y, there are 10 <br />Projects in Oran CAO)y t <br />_ ; <br />'F tea' <br />There is a co ntl ng need for " aka <br />existing housing is g erally so�fd and e <br />housing stock occupied by low- and <br />;k isV1fid the re.. al housing units range from fair <br />0 g units are I_ ted in the urban centers and close <br />-a ding units�f re loc I d in the rural areas. Improved <br />e housin- efi ncies. <br />units in th ounty that serve the needs of the <br />l accesslelausing units for the disabled in LIHTC <br />' and "accessible" housing in Orange County. The <br />lRvappears to be an adequate supply of market -rate <br />housing. However, there is a lac0- affo dable housing. The County has a growing population, <br />and new construction and rehabilita work is increasing again as evidenced by the number of <br />building and renovation permits issued throughout the County. Real estate values continue to <br />rise, which benefits property owners and most homeowners. However, these rising real estate <br />values negatively impact very low -, low -, and moderate - income households who are increasingly <br />cost - overburdened in their homes by 30 to 50 percent or greater; additionally, this hurts those <br />who cannot find affordable housing and are having to increasingly seek housing outside of the <br />County or live in substandard conditions not by choice, but by necessity. <br />Housing values (both rental and owner - occupied) have increased with the rise in the number of <br />households to the area. This increase has been especially burdensome on low- and moderate - <br />income renter households. A decrease in the quality and the quantity of affordable rental housing <br />has placed many of the very low- income households at imminent risk of becoming homeless. <br />OMB Control No: 2506 -0117 (exp.07 /31/2015) <br />