Orange County NC Website
11 <br />FFY 2018 Annual Action Plan <br />Orange County HOME Consortium <br />cost healthcare for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. There is <br />a great need for mental health and substance abuse case management and treatment for people <br />experiencing, or at risk of, becoming homeless. Orange County Employment Services need to <br />increase its focus and resources to assist this population, including people with criminal histories <br />and youth aging out of foster care. <br />According to the 2012 -2016 American Community Survey data, Orange County has an <br />unemployment rate of 5.9% which is lower than the North Carolina unemployment rate of 8.3% <br />for that same period. The unemployment rate is larger in the 16 -29 age group as opposed to older <br />age groups. <br />According to the 2012 -2016 American Community Survey data, there are job deficiencies in <br />certain sectors (the number of qualified workers exceeds the number of jobs available). <br />Conversely, Orange County is also experiencing a9-pajo- ent deficiency in other areas (the <br />n umber ofjobs available exceeds the number of qu ers). The County needs to continue <br />to support and encourage new jab creation, jo. �Yeployment, youth employment, job <br />training services, and educational devel � V,,e unities, especially for low- and <br />moderate - income persons that help to cl t <br />Maps: <br />The following maps illustr t d ographic charac ics of Orange County; <br />• Population D V sitb Block Group <br />_ <br />• Percent Po __I 1 on by Blo t "2 up <br />• Percen vrf 'Pula <br />tion by�o k Groin <br />• Percent Population Age+ by B ck -group <br />• Total Housing Units by Bloblgoidfs <br />• Percent Owner - Occupied Housing Units by Block Group <br />• Percent Renter - Occupied Housing Units by Block Group <br />• Percent Vacant Housing Units by Block Group <br />• Low /Moderate Income Percentage by Block Group <br />• Low /Moderate Income with Minority Percentage <br />• Commercial Hotspots in Orange County, North Carolina <br />OMB Control No: 2506 -0117 (exp. 07/31/2015) 5 <br />