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<br /> <br />2. Heartworm treatment is a lengthy process that will involve several steps on your part in addition to what <br />is outlined in the Foster Contract. As part of the treatment process, you agree to the following <br />(applicable items will be initialed by a member of OCAS management): <br /> <br />_______ Make an appointment with your regular veterinarian to schedule an examination right <br />away to be sure you have a plan in place in case any emergencies arise. It is essential that you <br />restrict exercise for ________________ while treatment is underway, as well as at least one month <br />following the final injection. Your regular veterinarian can help you outline a plan for that portion of <br />the treatment protocol. <br /> <br />_______ Administer the balance of the Doxycycline in accordance with the instructions provided at <br />the time of foster. <br /> <br />_______ Return the dog to OCAS for the series of Immiticide injections. You are scheduled to drop <br />off _____________ at the Animal Services Center on the morning of ____________ for Immiticide <br />treatment on ____________ and ____________. You may pick up on ___________ anytime <br />between 12PM and 6PM. If you have any questions during his stay, please feel free to contact a <br />member of our health care team at 919-942-7387 ext. 232. Please leave a message and someone will <br />return your call. <br /> <br />3. The majority of heartworm infections will be resolved by the Immiticide treatment. However, any <br />subsequent treatment or testing that may be required after the Doxycycline and Immiticide treatments <br />provided by OCAS and referenced above must be completed by your regular veterinarian at your own <br />expense. OCAS strongly recommends scheduling ___________ for a heartworm test at your regular <br />veterinarian six months after the completion of the Immiticide injections to confirm the animal is <br />negative for heartworms. The test should be scheduled on or around ___________ and will be at your <br />own expense. <br /> <br />4. As with any medical procedure, there is some risk involved in the heartworm treatment. You agree to <br />hold OCAS harmless for any complications that may arise as a result of the treatment. <br /> <br />5. Any and all expenses incurred in the care of ______________, the dog you are fostering, with the <br />exception of the prescribed Doxycycline regimen and scheduled Immiticide treatment described above, <br />will be the sole responsibility of you, the Foster. Orange County will assume neither liability nor <br />responsibility for any expense incurred in the care and treatment of this animal. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ <br />Foster Date Jasmine Johnson, Veterinary Health Care Manager Date <br />