Orange County NC Website
jzecreatiov-. ~v~~ f'arh.s ~'c~Uisor~ Gau v~cil ~ <br />b f Oravc9e Gouv~t~ <br />P.O. Box 8181, 300 W Tryon St, Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 245-2660 <br />March 22, 2005 <br />Moses Carey, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough NC 27278 <br />Deaz Chair Carey: <br />Subject: Board Appointment <br />The Orange County Recreation and Parlcs Advisory Council has recently reviewed all applicants for the <br />Recreation and Parks Advisory Council. The board unanimously recommends Chuck Hobgood to fill <br />the Cheeks Township position currently vacant. Mr. Hobgood is a resident of Cheeks Township.. <br />"The criteria for tlis position are: <br />• That the applicant selected he a resident of Cheeks Township, that he/she show an active interest in <br />the development and improvement of recreational opportunities and parks in Orange County. <br />• That he/she possess experience or training in recreational activities <br />• Experience or training or demonstrated interest in parks <br />• Willingness to commit to active pazticipation on the Comreil <br />In addition, the Recreation and Pazlcs Advisory Council is conunitted to increasing the diversity of <br />Council members and committed to preserving a geographical balance of representation whenever <br />possible.. <br />It is the feeling of the Comncil that Mr. Hobgood will provide valuable input as a member because: <br />• He has a B.A. in Recreation Management. <br />• He will represent Cheeks Township as a resident and property owner. <br />• He is an active volunteer, and has worked in a leadership role in the organization of special <br />sporting and amateur athletic events. <br />• He is employed in the field of athletics. <br />• He has an interest in recreation and parks as demonstrated in indicating this boazd as his only azea <br />of interest. <br />• He is known to members of RPAC and is highly recommended by those who lalow him. <br />In addition, Mr. Hobgood is the only applicant from Cheeks Township in the past nine months, even <br />though RPAC, Recreation and Pazks azld the BOCC Clerks office have recruited heavily for this <br />position. <br />C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\Recommendatian Letter- <br />Chuck Hobgood.doc <br />