Orange County NC Website
Animal services mission: strives to meet the needs of residents by working with volunteers and <br />other partners to deliver cost-effective and integrated sheltering and animal control services that <br />ensure the health, safety and well being of humans, pets and the community as a <br />whole. Addressing the problem of pet overpopulation with a proactive and positive approach is <br />an integral ingredient of the department’s mission. <br /> <br />Minutes of Committee Meeting to Discuss Shelter Donation of Animals/Samples for <br />Research Purposes <br />Meeting July 15, 2015 Weathervane, Southern Season, 6:30-8:30pm <br />Present: Susan Elmore, Bob Marotto, Caroline Green , Maureane Hoffman, Dewana <br />Anderson <br /> <br />The group briefly discussed the pros and cons of the OCAS donating animals or <br />biological samples for research purposes. Public misunderstanding and political fallout as <br />well as the overall benefits of certain types of research were discussed. The majority felt <br />that it would be acceptable to move forward. After this discussion, these important points <br />were discussed, which all agreed should be components of a comprehensive guidelines <br />document: <br />1. Shelter has the responsibility to support research that will benefit the lives of all <br />shelter animals. <br />2. Research would have to be compatible with the OCAS mission and any proposal <br />would need to articulate how the research would be consistent with the shelter <br />mission (e.g. Kitten diarrhea). That is, the research should have a specific focus <br />on shelter animal health and wellness. <br />3. There shall be no animal euthanasia, invasive procedures or pain/suffering for the <br />research project. Noninvasive sample collections such as nasal swab, fecal <br />samples, blood, tick collection, etc. would be acceptable. <br />4. There should be a prior institutional IACUC review and approval of the study. <br />5. The research cannot be for-profit. <br />6. If the research meets all of the above criteria, then participation would still be at <br />discretion of the OCAS Director (logistics, etc. can’t conflict with overall <br />operations). <br /> <br />The group then discussed the logistics of moving this plan forward: <br />1. Ask Wake County Animal Shelter what their protocol is for animal research and <br />what issues they have encountered to date. <br />2. Take this issue back to the advisory board then to the manager and BOCC and see <br />if they would like for us to move forward OR <br />3. Take back to advisory board and form focus groups of people in the county, <br />including people who might be supportive or opposed. Would then go to the <br />manager and then to board. <br />4. Are the political risks warranted? Majority said yes. How will they be minimized? <br />Forming focus groups with all concerned parties participating. To have a well <br />thought out and developed framework for moving forward. <br /> <br />