Orange County NC Website
<br />As you can see, the median household income in this area is $29,306. The population and number of <br />households is also small enough that the budge necessary for servicing the entire area would not be <br />overwhelming. <br /> Recommended Areas to Begin Program <br />Michael and I followed the previously detailed steps for community analysis and visited the area <br />highlighted above to determine 2 streets that we believe are best-suited to begin the Pets for Life <br />Program. The streets are both in Hillsborough/Fairview, NC. The first is Torain Street, which is a <br />predominantly African-American community. It has a small number of houses and neighboring streets, <br />so the budget required for this area should be minimal. The second area we identified is Terrell Street, <br />which is a slightly rural area with a higher percentage of Caucasian individuals. We suggest beginning the <br />program on Torain Street and expanding it to Terrell Street if initial efforts are a success (and the budget <br />is sustainable).