Orange County NC Website
6) Community members that did not want to spay or neuter their pets were much more willing to <br />do so when Amanda and Lori offered a fence for their yard. Amanda is also involved in the <br />Coalition for Unchained Dogs, which builds fences for people so they stop chaining their dogs. <br />7) The type of individual that performs community outreach must be extremely personable, non- <br />judgmental, able to handle detrimental living conditions for both pets and their owners, and be <br />dedicated to consistent outreach. <br />Implementation Plan <br /> How to Select Area for Community Outreach <br />The Pets for Life website includes a “Community Outreach Toolkit” page that details the entire process <br />of selecting an area best-suited for the Pets for Life program. Both of these websites are listed at the <br />bottom of this section. There are a variety of factors that should be considered when determining the <br />best place to begin the program, all of which are detailed in the website. The most important factors are <br />% below poverty level, ethnicity breakdown, and average household income. Optimal areas will have a <br />high % below poverty (over 10%), lower household income than surrounding areas, and a diverse <br />ethnicity breakdown. The factors included in the analysis are: <br />• Geography <br />• Zip Code <br />• Total Population <br />• Total # of Households <br />• Estimated Dog-Owning Homes - (number of households * .46) <br />• Estimated Cat-Owning Homes - (number of households * .39) <br />• Total Number of Dogs