Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />ANIMAL SERVICES <br />1601 Eubanks Road http:// orangecountync .goylanimalservices phone: (919) 942 -7387 <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516 fax: (919) 918 -2393 <br />MEMO <br />To: Orange County Animal Services Advisory Board <br />From: Sarah H. Fallin, Program Coordinator <br />Date: February 4, 2015 <br />Subject: Changes in the Community Spay Neuter Program <br />Poverty has a large impact on dogs and cats every day. Developing a better understanding of what <br />this means for companion animals in our community is an integral part of our Community Spay <br />Neuter program for 2014 -2015. <br />The number of sterilizations has decreased for our targeted population since 2012 and Animal <br />Services staff believes this is partly due to the updated methods of communication for Department <br />of Social Services (DSS) clients, limiting the amount of spay /neuter information sent to our targeted <br />population. This year Animal Services used alternative methods for our community outreach <br />strategies that included Every Door Direct Mail, door hangers, and billboards- but these methods <br />did not pay off as expected. <br />Animal Services would like to revisit the possibility of increasing the income criteria to that of the <br />NC Spay Neuter Reimbursement Program. Those guidelines allow people who make under 300 <br />percent of the federal poverty level qualify for subsidized programs; in comparison, Animalkind's <br />guidelines are roughly 150 percent of the federal poverty level, and Orange County DSS public <br />assistance programs are at 200 percent of the federal poverty level. <br />What we know now is: <br />• According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Poverty Levels <br />increase every year. <br />• The majority of clients who participate in Animal Services income -based programs have <br />never taken their pets to a veterinarian. <br />• The number of spay /neuter surgeries from Animal Services targeted programs has not <br />reached 500 since 2011. <br />• Staff is researching an alternative way to reach the lowest income households by using the <br />Pets for Life program. <br />In conclusion, with the agreement from the ASAB, staff will revisit the income criteria in <br />coordination with other county staff. Upon completion of this review, staff will return to the ASAB <br />for further discussion of one or more alternative income levels for eligibility suited to the <br />circumstances and needs of Orange County. <br />