Orange County NC Website
<br />The minutes of the August meeting of the Animal Services Advisory Board (ASAB) accurately reflect that <br />I informed all of the members present at the meeting about your request to address the nuisance <br />provision as part of the unified animal control ordinance and the reasons I and the other officers <br />considered in concluding that it would be best dealt with separately. That discussion and the consensus <br />reached by the ASAB were noted in the minutes of the meeting, which are attached to this email as <br />approved by the ASAB at its September meeting. Regarding some of the other statements in your email, <br />I believe your view of the ASAB's effectiveness may be influenced by the brevity of your exposure to and <br />participation in the Board's efforts. <br /> <br />You were appointed to the ASAB in May of 2014, and in July requested that the definition of nuisance be <br />added to the agenda for the ASAB's next meeting, which would be held in August. After consideration <br />and discussion among Vice-Chair Warren Porter, former Chair Susan Elmore, Director Bob Marotto, and <br />myself, we decided not to include a review of the the nuisance provision of the proposed unified <br />ordinance as a separate agenda item (apart from an update on the progress of the ordinance) for <br />various reasons. <br /> <br />Those reasons included logistical considerations, including the fact that the County's attorneys were still <br />in the process of making revisions and that the August agenda was already full with a mid-year statistics <br />update and review of the report of the Free Roaming Cat Task Force, which had been in development <br />for nearly 8 months. More substantively, we felt that the process of unifying the County's various <br />animal ordinances to provide for much needed operational consistency was not the most appropriate <br />avenue for addressing your concern regarding the nuisance definition, especially at a late stage in the <br />process. As I mentioned to you and to the rest of the ASAB, the nuisance provision could be addressed <br />separately so that due consideration could be given both to the unification process and the broader <br />policy concerns raised by your request. <br /> <br />I also followed up with an email indicating that I anticipated that at its August meeting, the ASAB would <br />provide input regarding the preferable way to proceed with updating the proposed ordinance and <br />presenting it to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> <br />You did not attend the ASAB's August meeting on August 20 and did not offer a reason for your absence, <br />either before or after the meeting. As I indicated I would, I informed the ASAB of your request to review <br />the nuisance provision of the unified ordinance and of my response that your request implicated broad <br />policy concerns that would be better addressed standing alone rather than as part of the unification <br />process, especially given the late stage of that process and the critical need for operational clarity as