Agenda - 03-15-2005-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-15-2005
Agenda - 03-15-2005-9c
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Minutes - 20050315
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
ORD-2005-013 - Approval of Equipment and Vehicle Purchases for Fiscal Year 2004
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2000-2009\2005
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4 <br />At this time, staff does not have solid cost estimates for two of the items listed above, the front- <br />end loader and the dump truck with snowplow blades, Further analysis and research needs to <br />be done before these items can be purchased, Staff anticipates bringing these items back to <br />the Board within the next two-to-three months for consideration. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated cost to purchase the equipment and vehicles (exclusive <br />of the two items for Sanitation) totals $1,442,331. As outlined in the Background section above, <br />staff proposes to enter into two private placement arrangements with RBC in order to fund the <br />purchases outlined on Attachment 1 of this abstract, <br />• Thirty-Six Month Arrangement -The estimated cost of proposed items for the thirty-six <br />month arrangement totals $1,100,691. The projected annual debt service payments <br />(over a 36 month period) related to this arrangement would consist of approximately <br />$366,900 in principal payments and $23,600 in interest payments for a total annual <br />projected payment of $390,500. The interest rate quoted by RBC for this arrangement is <br />3.42% annually.. The projected annual debt service payments were included in the most <br />recent (October 25, 2004) debt capacity calculations presented to the Board. <br />• Fifty-Nine Month Arrangement -The estimated cost of proposed items for the fifty-nine <br />month arrangement totals $419,640, exclusive of the two outstanding items for the <br />Sanitation Division, The projected annual debt service payments (over a 59 month <br />period) related to this arrangement would consist of approximately $85,350 in principal <br />payments and $11,650 in interest payments far a total annual projected payment of <br />$97,000. The interest rate quoted by RBC for this arrangement is 3,6% annually. The <br />projected annual debt service payments were included in the most recent debt capacity <br />calculations presented to the Board. <br />Projected annual debt service requirements for both financing arrangements total $487,500 and <br />were included in the most recent debt capacity calculations presented to the Board on October <br />25, 2004, Funds to repay both loans would be addressed through the County's annual General <br />Fund debt service appropriations in accordance with the Board's adopted County Capital <br />Funding Policy. <br />Should the Board decide to postpone the recommended action until a later date, it is very likely <br />that defibrillator trade-in and discount opportunities ($60,000) and State vehicle contract prices <br />would be lost thereby increasing the overall cost of purchasing the recommended vehicles and <br />equipment. In addition, interest rates have increased slightly over the last thirty days (one-to- <br />two tenths of a percent in last 30 days).. It is important to note that the interest rates quoted by <br />RBC are good until April 1, 2005, <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County <br />Commissioners: <br />(1) Approve the equipment and vehicle purchases (outlined on Attachment 1 of this <br />abstract); <br />(2) approve the Equipment and Vehicle Capital Project Ordinance at Attachment 2; and <br />
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