Orange County NC Website
<br />employees and deter°mine what tasks their language skill enable them to carry out. <br />Methods: CHICLE will design the following instruments and will train County staff to <br />adminisker them. <br />1 Cultural Competency - An oral questionnaire that will be used to evaluate the <br />individual's culhtral competency and "people skills" anti will include role- <br />playing exercises <br />2. Written Translation - A passage to be translated from the individual's nakive <br />language into the second language. This passage will contain health/social <br />service terminology and will include several false cognates. Some of the <br />material will be taken from materials in use in the County. <br />3. Oral Interpreting - A series of oral scripts that relate to real-life situations that <br />an interpreter will encounter. They will inclride regional expressions and slang. <br />These will be developed for the following: <br />• Front desk, customer service, phone answering, direcfions <br />• Health, including maternal, child, immunizations, insurance <br />• Dental <br />• Social services <br />• Legal <br />• Human rights <br />• Emergency services <br />Each of the insruments will be designed with scoring in mind and will allow for the <br />assessor to assign a numerical score fox• each part. These scores will then be grouped <br />and classified based on an agreed upon standard. The standard will include categories <br />such as: not to be used, able to communcate minimally in person, able to communicate <br />minimally on the telephone, adequate and able to work. in most sihrations, proficient, <br />fluent, and completely bilingual. A separate score will be developed for bictilhu•al skills. <br />All materials will be reviewed with Orange County staff to ensure their relevance to the <br />achial work sihtations. <br />CHICLE will test the documents and scoring with its otnm staff and shtdents in order to <br />validake the scoring categories. <br />CI IICLE will trvn 3-4 assessors and will be available during r~egttlar~ office hours to <br />assist them and to ans~,ver questions that may arise during the administration of the <br />instruments. <br />CHICLE will also develop a set of recommendations for individuals ak each level to <br />enable them to improve their skills and move to a higher level. <br />CHICLE can also offer training for interpreters with regard to behavioral skandards and <br />how to handle difficult sihtations. <br />Follow-up and evaluation: CHICLE will meet with Orange Cotmty coordinating staff <br />