<br />-- Crossland, C.L., DeFriese, G H , Durfee, M.F., Sanchez, W.L., Stein, J.S., and Badger, D.W.
<br />"Assessing the Impact of Recent Legislation and Public Policy on the Evaluation and
<br />Education of Handicapped Children," Submitted for publication.
<br />Salmon, M.A. and Stein, J.S. Distribution of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants: Are
<br />They Meeting the Need for Primary Care? North Carolina rt~ledical Journal; March 1986;
<br />47(3): 147-148.
<br />Salmon, M.A.. and Stein, J.S. Distribution of Women and Minority Physicians in North
<br />Carolina. North Carolina ~Lledical Journal; October 1985; 46(10): 537-539.
<br />Crossland, C.L., DeFriese, G.H., Durfee, iV1.F., Sanchez, W.L., Stein, J.S., and Badger, D. W,
<br />"The School Nurse as a Coordinator of Health Services for Handicapped Students: A School
<br />Record Analysis." Public Health Nursing, Vol.. 3, Number 3, pp. 147-1 ~7, 1986.
<br />Stein, J. S , Porter, C Q ,Lee, R.H. "Problems in the Analysis of Health Service Use and Health
<br />Status." Presented at the APHA annual meeting in L.as Vegas, NV, 1986.
<br />Compton, B.B., Hughes, J T, Loda, F.A., and Stein, 7,5 "A Community-based Program to
<br />Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect in the Adolescent Perinatal Period." Presented at the
<br />APHA annual meeting in Las Vegas, NV, 1986.
<br />Freund, D, A., Stein, J., Hurley, R., Engel, W.., Woomert, A., and Lee, B "The Kansas City
<br />Asthma Care Project: Specialty differences in the cost of treating asthma." Annals of
<br />Allergy, Vol. 60, January 1988.
<br />Patrick, D., Stein, J., Porta, M., Porter, C., and Ricketts, T.C. "Poverty, Health Services, and
<br />Health Status: Lessons from Rural America."rLlilbank Quarterly; 66(1), 1988:105-136.
<br />Ricketts, T.C., Konrad, T.R,, Stein, J , DeFriese, G.H. "Population Ecology and Health Policy
<br />Analysis: The Case of Rural Primary Care Centers." Medical Care Review 44:2, Fall 1987.
<br />DeFriese, G.H., Ricketts, T C., Stein, J 1Vlethodological Advances in Health Sezvices Research.
<br />Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1989.
<br />Engel, W, Freund, D.A ,Stein, J., Fletcher, R.H. "The Treatment of Patients with Asthma by
<br />Specialists and Generalists." rt~fedical Care; 1989, 27(3): 306-314.
<br />Stein, J, Bender, D. "Female Education as a Determinant of Child Health Outcomes."
<br />Presented at the APHA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL,, 1989..
<br />Stein, J. Health Services Research. A Pragmatic pvervie~+, Unpublished manuscript used in
<br />classes at the IJNC Medical School and School of Public Health, 1990.
<br />Stein, J "Empowerment: The Link Between Development and Women's Health," Round table
<br />presented at the NCIH Annual Meeting in Arlington, VA, 1991..
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