Orange County NC Website
VI. Statement of No Overdue Tax Debts: <br />The Agency has determined that Grantee is a government agency and is not subject to N.C.G.S. § 143C- <br />6-23(c). Therefore, the Grantee is not required to file a Statement of No Overdue Tax Debts with the <br />Agency prior to disbursement of funds. <br />VII. Reversion of Unexpended Funds: <br />Any unexpended grant funds shall revert to the Agency upon termination of this Contract. <br />VIII. Reporting Requirements: <br />(1) Agency: <br />a) Performance Reports: Grantee shall submit a progress report of activity including data from <br />previous reports. Reports should include what farms added assets, what promotional content <br />was advertised and how, if and how the app was updated, what deliverables were distributed, <br />and data analysis, including statistics showing how many visitors clicked the app and which <br />farm assets visitors were interested in within each quarter. The report should include <br />screenshots and pictures of deliverables. These reports are due within 30 days of June 30 and <br />December 31 until completion of the project. A Final Performance Report is due within 60 days <br />following the expiration or termination date of this Contract. <br />b) Financial Reports: Grantee shall submit a Final Financial report and Final Invoice no later <br />than 60 days after the expiration or termination of this Contract. <br />IX. Payment Provisions: <br />Upon execution of this Contract the Grantee shall submit to the Agency Contract Administrator a <br />completed Request for Payment form, to be provided by the Agency. All Request for Payment forms <br />should be received no more than monthly, with a certified invoice showing expenditures and matching <br />funds, if applicable, for the current period and cumulatively for the entire project. Upon approval by the <br />Agency, payment shall be made within 30 days. Twenty percent (20 %) of the total funds awarded under <br />this Contract shall be retained by the Agency until both the final performance and financial reports are <br />submitted by the Grantee and approved by the Agency. All payments are subject to the availability of <br />funds. <br />If this Contract is terminated prior to the original end date, the Grantee may submit a final Request for <br />Payment form. All unexpended funds shall be returned by the Grantee to the Agency within 60 days of <br />the Contract termination date with a complete final financial report, accompanied by either a final invoice <br />or a refund of any funds received but not expended. The Agency shall have no obligation to honor <br />requests for payment based on expenditure reports submitted later than 60 days after termination or <br />expiration of the Contract period. <br />Reimbursement requests shall be completed on a "Request for Reimbursement" form furnished to the <br />Grantee by the Agency. All reimbursement forms must include support documentation, including but not <br />limited to: copies of invoices, individual time sheets and travel logs that have been signed by the <br />employee and supervisor, salary registers or payrolls that include fringe benefits, hourly rates of pay, and <br />signature of the Grantee's responsible financial person, cancelled checks and lease agreements. <br />Eligible expenditures for payment must be within the effective period noted in the Contract. <br />Reimbursement may not be considered prior to the submission and final execution of the Contract. <br />All matching funds, if applicable, including in -kind and cash, must be spent concurrently with funds <br />provided by the Contract. Both types of matching funds expended shall be accounted for on the monthly <br />certified invoices. <br />NCDA &CS (Govt Contract Cover) Rev. 7/14;12/14; 8/17 Page 3 of 7 <br />