Orange County NC Website
Article 3: Base Zoning Districts <br />Section 3.8: Conditional Districts <br />Tract size, min. /max. I 5/501001 <br />(acres) <br />The district shall be located in such a manner as to be com ible <br />with the character of existing development of surrounding ro rties, <br />and <br />thus insuring the continued conservation of building val s and <br />Tract Front Setback <br />40 <br />from ROW, min. (feet) <br />encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the unty. <br />PURPOSE <br />Tract Side Setback, <br />0 <br />max <br />min. (feet) <br />shall be given to the location of the proposed m ile home district, <br />The purpolle of the Home Park Conditional Zoning (HP -CZ) District <br />Tract Rear Setback, <br />the relationship of the site and site developm t plan to adjoining <br />is to provide the development of properly located and planned <br />min. (feet) <br />20 <br />facilities for mob home and temporary housing unit parks. <br />residential uses in <br />Individual Mobile Ho <br />adjacent zoning districts <br />Adequate housing is damental to the welfare of county residents; <br />however, conventional h sing is not consistently affordable to, nor <br />Space Size, min. <br />5,000 <br />desired by, all members of a general public. There is also an <br />(square feet) <br />identified need to provides; level of flexibility for transient <br />residents who need to reside wit ' the area on a temporary basis. <br />T/efeet) sidential <br />Where properly regulated and locate , ome Parks address the <br />Ue, min. <br />2,000 <br />public need for alternative housing and a ieve a satisfactory <br />(s <br />relationship to adjoining and nearby prope <br />APPLICABILITY <br />ndividual Space Width, <br />50 <br />min. (feet) <br />The district shall be located in such a manner as to be com ible <br />with the character of existing development of surrounding ro rties, <br />and <br />thus insuring the continued conservation of building val s and <br />Height, max. (feet) <br />25 [1] <br />Consistent with <br />encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the unty. <br />Tract Floor Area Ratio, <br />residential uses in <br />Therefore, when evaluating an application for this strict, <br />max <br />adjacent zoning districts <br />shall be given to the location of the proposed m ile home district, <br />the relationship of the site and site developm t plan to adjoining <br />Requ' d Open Space <br />Consistent with <br />property, and the development itself. <br />Ratio, <br />residential uses in <br />adjacent zoning districts <br />Required Livab ' Consistent with <br />Space Ratio, min. residential uses in <br />DIMENSIONAL ST/DARDNOTES& adjacent zoning districts <br />[1] Two feet of addibe allowed for one foot <br />increase of the requ setbacks. Required Recreation Consistent with <br />Space Ratio, min. residential uses in <br />add ent zoning districts <br />1. ses shall be restricted to those indicated for the MHP -CZ District in Section 5.2. Additionally, non - residential use re <br />restricted based on the Watershed Protection Overlay District in which the property is located. Refer to Section 4.2.3 <br />land use restrictions. <br />1 Staff is recommending increasing the maximum allowable acreage that can be rezoned to HP -CZD from 50 to 100 <br />acres. This will allow for larger home parks and an increase in the opportunity for additional affordable housing <br />options. Further, increasing the acreage will allow for additional units in areas of the County with more restrictive <br />density limitations (i.e. University Lake and Cane Creek Watershed Protection Overlay Districts where density is <br />typically 1 unit for every 5 acres of property). <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 3 -67 <br />