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authorizes the County Manager (a) to approve and enter into, on behalf of the County, any <br />additional agreements appropriate to carry out the financing plan contemplated by this <br />resolution, and (b) to approve changes to any documents previously signed by County officers or <br />employees, provided that the changes do not substantially alter the intent from that expressed in <br />the form originally signed. The County Manager's authorization of the release of any document <br />for delivery will constitute conclusive evidence of her approval of any changes. <br />In addition, the County Manager and the Finance Officer are authorized to take all <br />appropriate steps for the efficient and convenient carrying out of the County's on -going <br />responsibilities with respect to the financing. This authorization includes, without limitation, <br />contracting with third parties for reports and calculations that may be required under the <br />Documents, this resolution or otherwise with respect to the bonds. <br />S. Other Financing Participants — Sanford Holshouser LLP will serve as the <br />County's bond counsel. Davenport & Company LLC will serve as the County's financial adviser. <br />The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., will serve as Trustee under the Trust <br />Agreement. <br />6. Miscellaneous Provisions — The Board authorizes all County officers and <br />employees to take all further action as they may consider desirable to carry out the purposes of <br />this resolution. In particular, the Board directs the Clerk to this Board to apply the County's seal <br />to the final form Documents, and to attest to the application of the seal. The Board ratifies all <br />prior actions of County officers and employees to this end. Upon the unavailability or refusal to <br />act of the County Manager, the Chair or the Finance Officer, any other of those officers may <br />assume any responsibility or carry out any function assigned in this resolution. In addition, the <br />Vice Chair or any Deputy or Assistant Clerk may carry out or exercise any rights or <br />responsibilities assigned in this resolution to the Chair or the Clerk. The Board repeals all other <br />Board proceedings, or parts of proceedings, in conflict with this resolution, to the extent of the <br />conflict. This resolution takes effect immediately. <br />