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3 <br /> <br />positive working relationship. A couple of days before the session, we were notified that due to <br />an administrative glitch, the materials would not be available to undertake the planned work and <br />the work session was cancelled. That was the last communication we've had with DEAPR. <br /> <br />According to your 2018 Capital Investment Plan, “"The second phase of the [MST] project is <br />proposed for Year 2 and would address the segment of the MST from Buckhorn Road around <br />and on the OWASA-owned lands at Cane Creek Reservoir, continuing to the Alamance County <br />line." However, we did not find any specific action items laid out for meeting this goal. <br /> <br />We did, however, find the following in the Parks and Recreation Council plan of action for 2018, <br /> <br />• "Continue to participate in the Mountains to the Sea project as way station and trailhead <br />locations are identified in the coming at Seven Mile Creek and potentially other <br />locations." (p. 47-48 of May 3 BOCC agenda). <br />• In that same document we also found reference to the need for assessing the proposed <br />multimodal trail. <br /> <br />There are at least two significant reasons not to continue delaying action on the Cane Creek <br />section of the trail. First, land is turning over in that area and more and more smaller tracts are <br />being sold. The more residents who move in out there, the harder it is going to be to get the trail <br />sited and built. Second, as we have said before, some of those who are willing to give free <br />easements are older and not only do they want to be assured that the easements are codified <br />but they also want to be able to hike the trail while they are still able. <br /> <br />We completely understand that DEAPR is a small department with a significant work load. <br />That's why we have made so many efforts to help move the MST project forward. We don't <br />want to wait another 3-4 years. If the county is going to move forward with this project beyond <br />the Hillsborough area, it's time to do it, instead of dragging it out while undertaking new <br />competing projects. <br /> <br />What we want: <br />Year 2 begins in July and we would like to have a concrete plan of action that includes: <br />• A commitment to work with NC DOT to establish a trail head at Hwy 54 and Saxapahaw- <br />Bethlehem Church Rd. We’d like this commitment made tonight. <br />• A commitment to finalize the freely-offered easements in the Cane Creek area by the <br />end of August. <br />• Establishment of a joint oversight committee between the Friends of the MST, county <br />staff, the BOCC and OWASA before your summer break. The goal of this committee <br />would be to develop an action plan for the Cane Creek section of the trail, followed by a <br />similar plan for Cane Creek to Hillsborough, and then to help guide the plan through to <br />implementation. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rich said she would take this as a petition. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said staff will bring back a status report for the Board before the <br />break. <br /> <br />b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br />(These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br />below.) <br />