Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> <br />HCV program. <br /> <br />List of Specific Tasks, Events, or Functions Performed or Sponsored Annually <br />• Review and provide input on the Consolidated Plan/Annual Plan Update and <br />Performance Report <br />• Review and approve changes to the Housing Authority policies, including revisions to <br />the Administrative Plan in order to enhance program efficiency, compliance with HUD <br />requirements, as well as meet program participants’ needs. <br />• Review of the Section 8 Management Assessment before its submission to HUD. <br />• Continue participation in landlord engagement events and activities in an effort to <br />increase landlord participation in the HCV Program. <br />• Continue participation in OCHA’s events and activities sponsored to help build HCV <br />participants’ self-sufficiency. <br />• Work with staff to increase HCV participants utilization of the voucher for <br />homeownership opportunities. <br />• Continue educating County residents and the BOCC on the changing landscape for <br />Housing Authorities, various new regulations and their ramification on the County’s <br />Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. <br />• Ongoing advocacy on behalf of low-income individuals and families in need of <br />sustainable housing solutions. <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin referred to the 600+ housing vouchers allocated to Orange County, with <br />only 500+ being used, and asked if clarification could be provided. <br />Sherrill Hampton said the utilization rate is 86%, one reason for which is the high cost of <br />rental units, in and around, Chapel Hill and Carrboro. She said they can go up to 110%, but it <br />lessens the number of vouchers that can be put on the street. She said they do need to <br />increase by 40 people, but she has to leave room in that pool as they would be over their <br />allocation, or a greater supplement would be needed from the County due to the higher rents. <br />Chair Dorosin said, as he understands it, the County is at 86% but could be doing <br />better. <br />Sherrill Hampton said she would like to get to 92-93%. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked if more landlords are stepping up to take the vouchers. <br />Sherrill Hampton said there are about 200 landlords participating in the program, and <br />the risk mitigation fund has gone into effect, which she hopes will incentivize landlords. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the risk mitigation fund has been helpful in recruiting <br />landlords. <br />Sherrill Hampton said yes. She said efforts are being made to better explain the <br />voucher program to landlords. <br />Commissioner McKee asked if local transportation an issue, and if a more robust local <br />transportation system to rural areas would help. <br />Sherrill Hampton said yes. <br /> <br />• Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Vibeke Tally, Chair <br /> <br />Vibeke Tally elaborated on one item in her report: the quality of life of residents in <br />nursing homes. She said the Committee is meeting individually with residents, and asking if <br />they have visitors, do they participate in activities, etc. She said the Committee is also meeting <br />with the activity staff, which plays a key role in the quality of life. <br />Vibeke Tally said, in the past, the Committee has been asked to bring in more concrete <br />activities, but it would like to expand this even more. She said exit interviews are conducted