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8 <br /> <br />county. (Fiscal impact: 2018-19: none; the HPC staff will provide support to <br />develop program guidelines) <br /> <br />• Designating Landmarks in Town ETJ’s: Continue working with the various <br />municipalities to develop an interlocal agreement to govern the designation of <br />historic landmarks within the various town’s ETJ’s. (No fiscal impact) <br /> <br />Todd Dickinson referred to the ETJ issue, and said the HPC has spoken with the Towns <br />of Hillsborough and Carrboro, and these Towns are after a model interlocal agreement, one of <br />which was found in Wake County, and can be used as a template. He said the HPC would like <br />to share this with the County Attorney. He said Carrboro continually throws back a wall of <br />issues before being willing to move forward in any way. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if John Roberts can reply to these issues. <br />John Roberts said he will gladly respond, as soon as he knows the issues. <br />Chair Dorosin said he noticed one of the emerging issues for the HPC is to increase <br />diversity in the historically significant sites, especially with regard to sites significant to the <br />African American community. He said he was excited to hear this news. He said the new <br />museum in Alabama, dedicate to the atrocities of lynching, has a reference to Orange County, <br />and he would like to recognize this historic incident in some way. He suggested that the HPC <br />connect with the HRC, the Arts Commission, and James Williams, former Public Defender. <br />Todd Dickinson said African American history is difficult because it is deeply steeped in <br />slavery, which many people do not want to discuss. He said it requires sensitivity. <br /> <br />• Housing Authority (OCHA) Diane Beecham, Vice Chair <br /> <br />Ellie Kinnaird, Board member, and Sherrill Hampton, Housing Director, were also <br />present. <br />Diane Beecham said the OCHA provides citizen oversight of the County’s Housing <br />Authority and its Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. She reviewed the following <br />highlights: <br /> <br />Accomplishments: Page 20 <br />• Provided comments for inclusion in the annual Consolidated Plan/ Action Plan Update <br />for the HOME Program and other community development needs. <br /> <br />• Continues to educate County residents and the BOCC on the HCV Program and its <br />associated activities, as well as challenges facing the industry. <br /> <br />• Facilitated the implementation of a new homeless preference within OCHA’s <br />Administrative Plan in 2017. This programmatic change resulted in homeless persons <br />receiving vouchers to assist them with securing affordable housing. <br /> <br />• Participated in the Affordable Housing Summit held on February 23, 2018 and provided <br />comments and input on affordable housing issues in Orange County. <br /> <br />• Participated in sponsored activities, events and workshops that help build HCV <br />participants’ self-sufficiency. <br /> <br />• Participated in OCHA’s outreach events and activities for existing landlords and other <br />interested rental property owners in an effort to increase landlord participation in the