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<br />Tonight the Council receives our attached evaluation, and also receives information submitted by <br />the applicant and citizens. The applicants materials are included as attaclnnents to this <br />memorandum. All information that is submitted at the hearing will be placed into the record. <br />Based on the evidence that is submitted, the Council will consider whether or not it can make <br />each of four required f ndings for the approval of a Special Use Permit. <br />The four findings are: <br />Special Use Permit -Required FindinQS of Fact <br />Finding #I: That the zrse or' development is located, designed, and proposed to be <br />operated so as to maintain or promote the public health, safety, and general tivelfm•e; <br />Finding #2: That the use or development would cwnply with all required regulations and <br />standards of the L,arrd Use Management Or°dinmrce; <br />Finding #3: Tlrat the zrse or development is located, designed, and proposed to be <br />operated so as to maintain or• enhmzce the value of contigzrozrs proper°~r, or that the use or <br />development is a public rzecessiEa , mul <br />Finding #4: T1rat the zrse or development conforms with the general plans for the physical <br />development of the Towrz as embodied in the Land Use Management Ordinance mad in the <br />Comprehensn~e Plan, <br />Following the Public Hearing, we will prepare an evaluation of the evidence submitted in support <br />of and in opposition to this application. <br />KEY ISSUES <br />The phasing of proposed park improvements has been identified as the key issue. <br />Phasing of park improvement: Because of budgetary constraints, the construction of proposed <br />park improvements will be phased over a period of time. <br />Conunent.• We are currently working on a phasing report for subsequent Council review. <br />SUMMARY <br />We have attached a resolution that includes standard conditions of approval as well as special <br />conditions that we recommend for this application. With these conditions, our preliminary <br />recommendation is that the Council could make the four findings necessary in order to approve <br />