Orange County NC Website
33 <br />32. Storniwater Operations and Maintenance Plan: That the applicant shall provide a Stormwater <br />Operations and Maintenance Plan for all engineered stonnwater facilities. <br />3.3. State or Federal Approvals: That airy required State or federal pernlits or encroaclmzent <br />agreements must be approved by the appropriate agencies and copies of the approved permits <br />be submitted to the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Pern~it. <br />34. Erosion Control: That a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan (including provisions For <br />maintenance of facilities and modification of the plan if necessary), be reviewed and <br />approved by North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources. That the <br />plan is reviewed by the Orange County Erosion Control Officer and that a copy of comments <br />associated with the review be provided to the Town Ma~rager prior to the issuance of a <br />Zoning Compliance Pern~it. <br />35. Silt Control: That the applicant take appropriate measures to prevent and remove the deposit <br />of wet or dry silt on adjacent paved roadways. <br />36. LiQhtin~ Plan Certif cation: That the final plan application comply with the lighting standards <br />in the Land Use Management Ordinance. <br />Stiuulations Related to Utility and Service Issues <br />37. Off-Site Utilit~provements: That the applicant shall construct the following utility <br />improvements: <br />Water Line: 12-inch water line and five fire hydrants between Southern Village and <br />Merritt Drive, within the US 15-501 South and Dogwood Acres Drive right-of-way. <br />Sewer Line: 8-inch public sewer main, between Southern Village and the proposed 6- <br />inch private lateral. <br />38. Sewer Easement: That prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Pernit, the applicant <br />shall dedicate a public sewer easement for the 8-inch public sewer main and a 30-foot sewer <br />easement for a future public sewer line extension to the Dogwood Acres neighborhood. <br />39. Off-Site Utility Construction: That approval of this Special Use Permit shall authorize the <br />installation of off-site utilities. <br />40. Off Site Utility Easement: That all required off-site utility easements, authorizing the <br />installation of the required sewer and water line improvements shall be provided and <br />approved by the Town Manager and OWASA and recorded at the Orange County Register of <br />Deeds Office prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />4L Solid Waste Management Plan: That a Solid Waste Management Plan, including provisions <br />for recycling, and for' managing and minimizing construction debris shall be approved by the <br />Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. <br />