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~q <br />Traffic flow conditions were analyzed at the following intersections: <br />1. US 15-501 and Main Street <br />2. US 15-501 and Future Site Driveway <br />3.. US 15-501 and Dogwood Acres Drive <br />4. Smith Level Road and Dogwood Acres Drive <br />Traffic volumes from other existing and proposed developments (Southern Village and <br />Chancellor's View) in the immediate area were included in the analysis of future conditions. <br />The Traffic finpact Analysis makes the assumption that the proposed development will be <br />completed and operational by 2007. The traffic impact analysis was based on the anticipated <br />2007 build out. According to the analysis, the proposed development (2007 build-out) would <br />generate approximately :328 daily total vehicle trips. <br />Because of budgetary constraints, the construction of proposed park improvements may be <br />phased over a period of time beyond the anticipated 2007 build out. We are currently working on <br />a phasing report for subsequent Council review. <br />Traffic Lnpact Analysis Findings- Reconuuendatiorr. Existing and future design capacity <br />analyses did not indicate a need for additional improvements to maintain adequate traffic <br />operations on study area facilities. The results of flee short-terns design year intersection capacity <br />analysis show that no improvements ar°e required to maintain adequate Level of Service and <br />vehicular delay for any of the Peak periods. <br />However, there are some safety considerations and operational efficiency considerations that <br />need to be addressed due to the development impact of the proposed park, The Traffic Impact <br />?.nalysis reconunends the following improvements: <br />1. Construct a deceleration lane for site traf&c entering the park off of US 15-501 at the <br />northern enhance. <br />2. Provide additional signage indicating access points to the park. <br />3. Prohibit on street parking along Dogwood Acres Drive within the park property. <br />4. Provide pedestrian crossing signs and street lighting for trails crossing Dogwood Acres <br />Drive. <br />5. Provide active traffic calming measures on Dogwood Acres Drive. <br />6. Reduce speed limits on Dogwood Acres Drive to 25 mph within pink limits. <br />7. Set posted speed limit on park main access driveway at 15 mph, <br />8. bnprove internal driveway circulation.. <br />We support the Endings of the Traffic finpact Analysis and the recommended improvements. <br />The applicant bas agreed to the above recommendations. <br />Roadway Improvements <br />U3 IS-501: The Town as applicant is also proposing to construct dedicated right and left: turn <br />lades on Dogwood Acres Drive at the US 15-501 South intersection. We recommend that the <br />