Orange County NC Website
1`~ <br />Topograpky: The site generally contains slopes between 0 and 10 percent with steeper slopes <br />between 10 and 25 percent, along several drainage corridors. Several high points on the property <br />exist along the US 15-501 South portion of the site. The low point occurs along the west <br />property line where three drainage features cross the property line. <br />Drainage: The property generally drains from east to west and includes tluee major drainage <br />basins. The three drainage basins are sub-basins to the Morgan Creek drainage basin. A portion <br />of die northwest corner of the site drains onto the Southern Village development. <br />The two northern-most drainage basins include perennial and intermittent streams. A perenmial <br />stream classification has been designated for the third basin located south of Dogwood Acres <br />Drive. This drainage basin also includes a wetland area of approximately 1,077 square feet. <br />Approximately 12.65 acres of the 70.54 acre site is Resource Conservation District. <br />Vegetative Cover: The site contains two distinct forest vegetation associations (pine and <br />hardwoods). Two major areas of the site are covered exclusively with pine. One area of pines <br />occupies the northeast corner of the site and extends along the edge of US 15-501, The second <br />area, located in the central west half of the site is interrupted by Dogwood Acres Drive and an <br />overhead power line. The large stand of pines is very young with trees ranging from 4 to 5 inch <br />caliper and 30 to 35 feet in height.. A majority of the pine forest suffered extensive damage from <br />an ice storm in December 2002. <br />The remainder of the northern half of the site and a portion of the area directly south of Dogwood <br />Acres Drive is covered with a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees. Unlike the area of pines, <br />there is a good deal of understory vegetation, especially along drainage ways.. <br />Several cleared areas (fields) are also present and contain mainly pioneer grasses and slu-ubs. <br />Development Description <br />The applicant, the Town of Chapel Hill, is proposing to construct a connnunity park with athletic <br />fields and courts, a dog park, greenway trails, picnic and play areas.. A recycling center is also <br />proposed. The proposal also includes preserving a portion of the site for a future connnunity <br />center or recreation facility. Approximately 5,000 square feet of building area, 229 parking <br />spaces, and approximately 10.8 acres of impervious surface are proposed,. <br />Specific proposed park improvements include: <br />Athletics Fields <br />• 1 in-line hockey court <br />• 2 bas]<etball courts (including 10' high vinyl coated chain link fence) <br />• 3 lighted fidl size athletic fields with bleachers (including 8-10' high vinyl coated chain link <br />fence) <br />• 1 youth baseball field with bleachers <br />