Orange County NC Website
<br />.Applicant Interest Listing <br />by Board Name and by Applicant Name <br />Alcoholic Beverage Coiztrol Board <br />Contact Person: Colleena Clark, Secretary to the <br />Contact Phone: 919-7.32-3432 x2.3 <br />MS. Passion .lone$ Day Phone: 919 929 0406 Sox: Female <br />606 Church St, Evening Phone: Race: African American <br />Chapel Hill NC 27516 FAX: Township: Chapel Hill <br /> E-mail: Date Applied: 01/19/2005 <br />Skills: Community Service Volunteer Atso Serves On: <br />Skills: Mediation and arbitration Also Serves On: <br />Ms Jaye Kreller <br />1601 Curtis Rd <br />Chapel Hilt NC 27514 <br />Skills: Community Service Volunteer <br />Skills: Real Estate <br />Mr, Patrick Mulkey <br />8702 Stanford Road <br />Chapel Hitt NC 27516 <br />Skins: Community Service Volunteer <br />Skills: Electronic Technician -Senior <br />Mr. John C. Steffens <br />1626 N Lakeshore Drive <br />Chapel Hitl NC 27514 <br />Skins: Biotechnology <br />Skills: Homeowner's Association Member <br />Skills: Professor <br />Day Phone: 933-6500 Sex: Female <br />Evening Phone: 968-9782 Race: Caucasian <br />FAX: 933-0507 Township: Chapel Hill <br />E-mail: jjtaetler@earthlink net Date Applied: 10/04/2004 <br />Also Serves On: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Day Phone: 919-660-2142 Sex: Mate <br />Evening Phone: 919-942-3614 Race: Caucasian <br />FAX: 919-660-2634 Township: Bingham <br />E-mail: Mulkey@TUNL..DLIICE EDU Date Applied: 10/08/2001 <br />Also Serves On: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Day Phone: 919-765-5063 <br />Evening Phone: 919-933-2481 <br />FAX: 919-541-8585 <br />E-mail: john Steffens@syngentacom <br />Also Serves On: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Sex: Male <br />Race: Caucasian <br />Township: Chapd Hill <br />Date Applied: 07/21/2002 <br />Mr. Bill Thorpe <br />709 Tinkerbell Road <br />Chapel Hill NC 27514 <br />Skills: ABC Board -Orange County <br />Skills: Kiwanis Club <br />Skills; N C Dept of Crime Control <br />Day Phone: 919-967-5813 <br />Evening Phone: 919-740-9180 <br />FAX: <br />E-mail: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Sex: Male <br />Race: African American <br />Township: Chapel l4ilt <br />Date Applied: 06/12/2003 <br />Monday, February 21, 2005 Page 2 of 3 <br />