Animal Shelter Statistics - 04-2008
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Animal Shelter Statistics - 04-2008
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Animal Services Monthly Report April, 2008 <br /> <br />7 <br />public health authorities to ensure the health of all members of a household—human and <br />pet alike. <br /> <br />As can also be seen from the table on rabies exposures, Animal Control Officers <br />investigated eight (8) cases in which there were possible rabies exposures. Usually, these <br />are cases involving known or suspected contact between a domestic small animal such as <br />a dog or a cat and a wild animal such as a raccoon, as well as whether there is indirect <br />contact between a human and pet member of a household in these situations. But our <br />Animal Control Officers are also responsible for bite reports involving dogs and cats (as <br />well as other animals) and a human victim. In these cases, it is a legal requirement and <br />public health precaution that a dog or cat biting a human being be contained and observed <br />for a period of ten (10) days—thereby ensuring that the bite victim was not exposed to <br />the rabies virus. <br /> <br />Efforts to ensure current vaccination, for the welfare of pets and the people with whom <br />they come into contact, are ongoing and activities in this area are captured by vaccination <br />statistics compiled by our Animal Control Division. As is ordinarily the case, the <br />majority of these vaccinations—983 out of a total of 1370 vaccinations—continue to be <br />performed at veterinary establishments. In addition, another eighty (80) animals were <br />vaccinated at our Animal Shelter prior to their adoption or recovery. <br /> <br />Moreover, four low-cost rabies vaccination clinics were held in April and a total of 307 <br />animals were vaccinated at these clinics. Seventeen total clinics were held during 2007— <br />and 1,157 dogs and cats were vaccinated as a result. <br /> <br />All of these activities—public education and outreach, investigations and enforcement, <br />and providing low-cost vaccination clinics—are critical given that Orange County <br />continues to be affected by the epidemic of “eastern raccoon rabies” that began in the <br />latter half of the 1990s. Their essential nature is further underscored by the current view <br />that we have been on the upside of a raccoon rabies cycle that may bring even higher <br />numbers of confirmed rabies cases than we have seen in recent years. <br /> <br /> <br />Special Monthly Notes <br /> <br />There have been challenges and changes that have affected animal disposition numbers <br />this month. The most notable was the continuation of a remediation project being <br />conducted by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in preparation of their <br />new “Carolina North” campus. The project site has taken up much of the Animal Shelter <br />parking area and created a need for staff to find different avenues to keep the public <br />informed and aware of the Shelter’s continuing operations. Parking for the shelter has <br />been moved behind the shelter and a detour has been created in order to clearly direct <br />visitors and staff to that designated area. The remediation project is scheduled to last <br />until August of 2008. <br /> <br />
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