<br />Section 5. That said bards shell be registrable as to principal alone in accordance With the
<br />oroviaions hereinnbove provided for endorsement upon said borda, end the County Accountant is hereby
<br />designated Bond Begistrar for the registration att3 tr¢nafer of said bard s, subject to the right of the
<br />BoeSd of Commissioners hereafter to designate another Bond Registrar. A!o charge shall be made to any
<br />bondholder for the privilege of registration herein granted,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Donald '!. Stanford, seconded by Comoi ssdoner Henna S. t7allmr, the
<br />foregoing resolution entitled: "AFSOI~U:IOII FIf.IUG TF_=. D4TAILS, Al7D NRi.i AIfD F'Affii5:R OF 5X•ICUTIOH OF
<br />$2,000,000 6C900I 9DIIDIPiG EONDS, AND PROVIDTP:'G FOP. THB RF.GISTRATiON T?L:P80s'" Wes onssed g' the
<br />folloning vote:
<br />Ayes: Commissioners D. dI. Rey, Claude T. Pone, Donald II, Stanford and He my S, 'lelker.
<br />Noes: None.
<br />Thereupon Cormis sinner Donald 15, Stanford intr~uced tho folio;ring resolution ~.ahich Was rand:
<br />$1,000,000 SCHOOL PIJZIDING BO?7D6, SRIy'S A.
<br />E; IT RES~LV3D by the Bceffi of Commissioners for the County of Orange:
<br />fiction 1, That the Board of Commissioners has determined and does hexaty find ¢nd declare:
<br />(n) That on hay 6, 1957 the Board of Commmissioners for the County of Orange onssed a resolution
<br />entitled: "&7SOLUTIOij PI%i11G TNF DBTAILS, Ai.'D FOiL'i Ai7D ilAiIDFR OF BkFCUTI01( OF `y'2,000,OCO SCHOOL
<br />BUIIDr_IiG EOiJDS, Ai~:D FROVZDIiIG FOB T:8 RBGISTRATSON T:'R*.OF", :which bonds were authorized Uy en order
<br />finally passed on Februcry 20, 1956.
<br />(b) Zhat no bards have been isaue3 oursvsnt to said rosolution or said order, and that 5250,000
<br />notes have been issued in anticioa_tion of the receipt of the proceeds of ¢ lii:e amount of the bonds
<br />authorized by said order, Which notes axe designated "School Building Bond Anticipation Ifotes", are
<br />d¢ted December 10, 1956, and rsture on June 10, 1957.
<br />(c) That it is necessary th¢t Orange County, noting as as administrative agent of tl:e State in
<br />oreviding a State system of public schools, issue at this time "?,000,000 0-' said ;2,000,000 school
<br />building bonds, $250,000 of the ox oceeds thereof to bs used to pay se id notes at their maturity,
<br />Section 2, Thet there shall be issued at this time "1,000,000 of said "2,000,000 school building
<br />bonds, n'rieh 51,000,000 bonds shell be designated "School Building Bonds, Series A", shall consist of
<br />1,000 bonds or the demonimstion of 51,000 each, numbered 1 to 1,000, inclusive, and said bonds obeli
<br />instate ennunlly, Juns 1, in numerical order, locest numtars Tirst, .130,000 1958 to 1965, 635,000 1966
<br />to 1960, end :a40,000 1981 to 1985, all inclusive, and ;135,000 1986, nithoct option of prior onyment,
<br />~etion 3. That the nction of the County Attorney in xeevasting the Focal Goverment Commission
<br />to ndvex'tise end sell said 51,000, C00 School Building 9o:d s, S=ties A, end the nction of tF.e L.ocel
<br />Government CommSssion in asking for sealed bids for said bonds (b;/ publishing n sale notice and printing
<br />¢nd distributing cir~culnrs) b= nrd the seine ere herelrj ratified and ecnfirmed.
<br />Upon moticn of Commissioner Donald L'. StaMord, sec orded Ly Commissioner Henry S. l7nikar, tF.e
<br />Toregoing ra solution entitled: "RBSOIUTIOLI PROFIDitaC FOR TP3' ISSUAidCB OF $1,000,000 SCHOOL BU'IL DIhiG
<br />POURS, 6:.P1TS A", eras onssed by the folloxing vote: I.
<br />Ayes: Cormissioners D, a:, Rey, Claude 2, ?one, Donald i:. Stanford, Henry S, 17a11:er.
<br />iloe a: None.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford, sec on ed by Ce-:missioner Pope, end unanimously cessed, the
<br />Clerk ;ms reeues tv_d to Write to i5r, .7, C, Eetthure, Secretary of the State Board eC Assessments and
<br />request permission far Orange County's Accountant to inspect the tar. revsnue records for the year 1956-
<br />1957,
<br />A letter Stem the firm oT Led, Hoyt, Tnylar end ';:nshburn of Hoer York Was rend b;; Acting Chesmsn
<br />Ray, This letter requested t'.:e Peyzient of e 2L.33 Dill Which Was ineurrsd by the G:epel 3111
<br />Jaycees in connection with the orooosed Clrepal Hill-Cerrboro 2acrantias District. It ens agreed that
<br />this setter could be taken vo •~+th the Jaycees since their orgendzetion has rsde this indebtedness.
<br />iLrs. George >i. Harper of 105 Lodge Iene, Checel Hill, reeve sted a reduction in tl:e tax valuation
<br />on her hours and lot. The Beard in_^orr.:ed I:x s. Herpen that they Would inspect this nronerty an 4ednes-
<br />day, i:ay 15, 1957.
<br />The follo::ing department officials presented reports for the month of April, 1957:
<br />Don !::ethe son, County Ferm Agent
<br />Cyrus Gr pen end 'cd Bax'ne s, Assistant r'arm Agents
<br />i;nther ins Pr itchazd, Assistant Hone Demonstration Arent
<br />Cn si:e Eoggc, County Dab Tlarden
<br />~, t.. Lynch, Clerk or Cocrt
<br />Dr. 0. David Garvin, District gee lth Of"ices
<br />Jane C. Parker, '~?e lfere Suoorinterdent
<br />Fran!: '::addry, De lineuent Ta:; Collector'
<br />Odell Clayton, Sheriff
<br />Homy 5ellcer submitted the Tle lfare Reports
<br />