Orange County NC Website
2’2’12’12’14’14’10’-12’23’ <br />55’ min (assumed 60’)65’ min (assume 70’) <br />Assume 130’ Right-of Way <br />ROW ROW <br />9.5’ min <br />Not to scale <br />10’ to 17.5’ possible <br />in limited situations <br />What about 5 lanes with center turn lane? <br />NCDOT policy not to build TWLTL due to safety concerns <br />•Especially for Primary/NC Routes <br />•Especially in higher-speed rural settings <br />Per NCDOT crash reduction studies, converting from TWLTL to <br />median <br />•Reduces fatal crashes 47% <br />•Reduces head on collisions 47% <br />•Reduces sideswipe collisions 21% <br />2004 NCSU Study confirms raised medians are safer than <br />TWLTL regardless of traffic volume or driveway density <br />19